Justice For-All

Archive for the ‘Police Personality’ Category

The Mental Rapist; or FBI pre-natal Mind-fucking Primer 101

In Freud and the Police, Its for theChildren, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, security theater on July 20, 2011 at 1:33 am
FBI agent in 1939

Who is That Creepy Guy Around the Corner? Photo of FBI Agent in 1939 Image via Wikipedia

The FBI Describes Itself When it Employs Profiles.

Imagine if your daughter stumbled across this headfuck, “The Mental Rapist Enjoys Abusing Women,” an article purportedly transcribed from a conversation that someone had with an FBI agent about “mind-rapists,” which to the best of my knowledge means “head-fuckers.”

And nobody can compete with the big-budget propaganda campaign waged against your kids mind by the FBI with the exception of Hollywood, which is literally in lockstep with FBI propaganda.

The profile of the FBI is as an agency is that it is driven by pathological narcissism, which is a mental disease masquerading as a noble intentioned, but self deluded entity or person[s] *

I don’t know your daughter, but I do care about what you, her father or mother, have to deal with as she evolves into her own person.

And I care twice that your kids mind doesn’t get cluttered too early with police and FBI baggage–mind manipulation,  fear mongering, and propaganda as a tool of distraction away from real issues–like the fact that America is dropping bombs, and depleted uranium all over the middle east.

I mean, sure, the argument could be made that the Middle East isn’t in the FBI jurisdiction on that matter–but that didnt’t stop them from hunting down turr-err-isss’s in Germany, Iraq, Pakistan, et al did it?

And certainly, the companies that are dropping depleted uranium have headquarters in the U.S., right?

But they want to focus–and they want you to focus–on hypothetical threats to your child’s genitalia instead….WTF!!Q?????

Which makes me wonder what kind of people work there? After all we know that the FBI has a long history of pedophiles in the organization.

WE exist these days in conditions where online predators are the police, fetishizing your kids naivete, and more than willing to isolate her and wreak havoc on her conception of the world.

I care even more when I relaize how many FBI agents are women haters, patriarchs, or gender bashing, bitter gay women using their positions of trust and authority to get at, and corrupt your kids head;and sadly, they target, and focus quite heavily on your daughters rather than your sons.

Don’t get me wrong: I am well aware of how your sons are abused by society, because two boys are murdered in America for every girl killed , and how little attention young boys get when it comes to discussions about ‘protecting children’.

By the time your son reached puberty, he has likely survived a public shcool counselors recomendation that he take Ritalin or some other drug, a coaches recommendation that he “man up,” or in the very least, someform of ostracization because he resists male sexual programming. He has also survived numerous mental and physical assaults aginst his masculine traits by female schoolmates–by ten years of age. I understand that well.

But this post is about your child, and particularly your daughter, being safe from online interactions with police, and FBI agents who CRAWL THE INTERNET LOOKING FOR VULNERABLE, LONELY KIDS TO TALK TO.

And kids are smarter than we give them credit for, and any teen girl out there could stumble upon this post as I did. It is a blog post from awhile ago that got me thinking of the nefarious nature of police propaganda aimed at your daughter, online.

I couldn’t write better propaganda designed to attach itself to your young daughters mind if I were a pedophile gym teacher–it hits the center of isolation in the mind of any girl who feels she has failed at a relationship, been used by a boy, or risked her virginity in a juvenile attempt at love.

It is allegedly a mental profile of a “mental rapist” whyo uses the internet to “rape the mind”, and it’s full of all the right kind of weirdness that could help a girl identify what she feels is an even weirder young boy who hurt her feelings.

But what bothers me th emost, is that some FBI agent actually has the time to write such pap–and target it at a vulnerable woman, or girl. If that agent targets vulnerable women, what might they say to your daughter?

And all that language about “him” does not at all reassure me it isn’t a female agent impersonating a male, and describing herself–after all, the internet is full of weirdos, just looking to profile–or indoctrinate– your kids.

I won’t weigh in to the implications that this could be a fantasy of the blogger, or the entrapment of the bloggers mind, but it is what it is: a conversation between a vulnerable woman and a purported FBI agent.

Police play on fear all the time, and it’s socially destructive, creepy, and very, very police psychology oriented. Almost as if they are telling us what lurks in their minds, not in ours.

And worse, they now have access to your kids online.

* The police and FBI profile is one that includes narcisisstic psychopathology http://www.slideshare.net/samvaknin/narcissistic-and-psychopathic-leaders, particularly marked by unhealthy confabulation, meaning narcissists believe they are better than everyone else, smarter than everyone else, etc. because they are the good guys and gals, while forgetting the egregious, historic, criminal violations of US law that are part of their organizational structure.

Rethinking Officer Friendly, redefining bad touch.

In Freud and the Police, Police Personality, security theater on July 20, 2011 at 12:39 am

What if it was your daughter!!??!!

They always say that, don’t they? That meme is a tool of fear-mongering, designed to re-focus you on a strange, un-named threats, instead of the threat in front of you–someone who employs such ideology. That ideology is pathological narcissism.* And they hurt individuals with their self-centered manipulative perspectives.

And they are destroying the health of American society, while claiming to improve it.

The FBI, and cops, protecting your daughters mind, so you don’t have to!

They want you to fear terrorists with strap on bombs, rapists jerking off around every corner– and the dreaded pedophile lurking on the internet. But the truth is, more kids die at the hands of their mothers  than by strange men lurking on the internet.
But whatever you do–don’t  go near the head fucker!

The truth is—and has ALWAYS been–that children are more likely to be killed by American bombs and unexploded ordinance or depleted uranium [ here  , and also here ] or by female caregivers and babysitters right here in America, the they will ever face from strangers, men, kidnappers, or pedophiles.

Yet the cops make their money by keeping you in fear of strangers. But what is more strange than the mind of a cop? I mean, cops are  stepping up their use of Tasers on children [and here, and elsewhere]!

WAKE UP, peeple. This behavior is emblematic of an institutional psychology disorder.

Whereas it may be true that some pedophile is just waiting for a snapshot from of your kids Barbie Camera while he or she is riding a vibrating Harry Potter broom, it should scare us that he FBI is the agency that raised such an alarm.

I mean, what is in their minds to even imagine such things–what kind of mind could imagine such things–much less project them upon the world?

Oh, I know: the same great minds that brought you the overly broad US Patriot Act, and the TSA feeling up your six year old.

So, we all need a distraction away from the fact that the FBI routinely lies in warrant applications against internet providers, and that they also have virtually destroyed the fourth amendment with DPI technology–the same software that Iran and China use to stifle dissent is used by the FBI and InfraGard snitches.

I say it takes one to know one, as the old saw goes.The question we need to ask is what really endangers your kid online, beside the fact that the FBI can and stores images of your kids in their massive child porn collection?

What is more scary than knowing your government distributes child porn, instead of destroying it? I would suggest that your child’s memory of being trained to accept the hands of officer friendly down her pants might be a step in the ‘further’ direction of corrupting your kid with police state psychopathology.

They are tyeaching this girl to believe thatsuch physical contact is actually “good touch,” when in fact history shows us otherwise.

Sure, a picture may be worth a thousand words, but the infiltration of a child’s mind by police fear-mongering and mind abuse last generations. And it starts with the kind of contact you see in the video.

And there are worse things for your kid to face, I promise you; I mean, after all, that one in 1.5 million chance of someone creepy encountering her or him.

But the daily indoctrination to trust authority–not least of which is training young girls to be felt up by people in authority—is historically, by very freekin far, a worse option, with actual dire consequences.

* The police and FBI profile is one that includes narcisisstic psychopathology http://www.slideshare.net/samvaknin/narcissistic-and-psychopathic-leaders, particularly marked by unhealthy confabulation, meaning narcissists believe they are better than everyone else, smarter than everyone else, etc. because they are the good guys and gals, while forgetting the egregious, historic, criminal violations of US law that are part of their organizational structure.

The FBI eats child porn for breakfast–and lunch, and dinner, and while on break.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, security theater on July 12, 2011 at 1:37 am
United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzale...

Hi, remember me? I am Alberto Gonzalez, and I love BDSM and torture photos of 'ethnic men'. And did I mention that the FBI has the largest collection of child porn, dog porn, and war porn on the planet? We watch it, so you don't have to! Image via Wikipedia

“Things I Don’t Want On My Résumé,” part four, revisited.

The dailycaller.com reports on a much under-reported phenomenon amongst police and prosecutor types: they love porn, but even more they like demonizing civilians, and breaking the law while jerking off on the clock–it’s part of the police profile.

“Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Thursday requesting an explanation as to why the Justice Department declined to file charges against a federal prosecutor with child pornography found on his work computer.

The finding against the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) was made by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

According to the Inspector General’s report, the AUSA admitted to spending a significant amount of time each day viewing porn at work.”

Read more

Apparently, war porn, Abu Ghraib torture photos, and images of little boys being f*cked in the ^ss are not enough for them.

Remember former Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and his obsession with pornography?  He was a family values man–as most cops are–who felt that porn was a threat to the family–his own, apparently, but he, like many cop types also seemed to believe that committing perjury was not at all harmful to the kids.

And he once bragged that the FBI has the largest collection of child porn in the world. Curious what cops brag about, isn’t it?

Even more curious that every time the FBI gets involved in ‘combating illegal stuff” the illegal stuff proliferates, and is suddenly everywhere! Even nuclear bomb secrets, if Sibel Edmonds, former FBI agent is to be believed.

The FBI itself seems to feel that minimization of crimes and perjury by its agents is a major tool in the fight against the bad peeple, and at the time of Gonzalez’ perjury, which was covered-up by current FBI czar Robert S. Mueller the tird,  the FBI priorities were sort of lax on FBI and other rampant police corruption.

Mueller et al were just too busy chasing down terrorists, and orchestrating the dissemination of dog-f*cking porn to prosecute Gonzalez.

The Washington Post, noted at the time when the FBI kicked off its distribution and dissemination of illicit porn initiatives in 2005, that public corruption wasn’t even on the FBI radar of prosecutable crime.

It was officially, [.] fourth on the FBI’s priority list, after protecting the United States from terrorist attack, foreign espionage and cyber-based attacks. Just below those priorities are civil rights, organized crime, white-collar crime and “significant violent crime.” The guidance from headquarters does not mention where pornography fits in.”

I guess it depends on your point of view–after all, Alberto probably lied when his kids asked him about his porn obsession.He also likely lied about his enjoyment of BDSM.

And Alberto himself stated that he had ” nothing to hide,” before perjuring himself over the firing of 9 U.S. Attorney, and wiretapping fraud. And we all know how cops feel when someone has “nothing to hide,” right?

So there is little surprise when we hear of yet another cop caught loooking at porn, and kiddie porn–after all, we know how much the police want to love YOUR daughters.

The Pocket Rockets Red Glare

In CIA anf Feminism, Police Personality, Rape Culture, security theater on July 3, 2011 at 9:41 pm

Did you catch this story, about a false rape accuser named Tracy West who apparently tied herself up with duct tape, and waited while her now completely exonerated victim picked up his infant son at daycare?

She had a history with BDSM and control issues.

And sadly, these cases are a distraction by design from the ongoing and unchecked violence that the United States is perpetrating elsewhere in the world–like dropping depleted uranium on kids.

False Rape Accusers like Tracy West should kill themselves, and save the failed police-court system some money. This photo is police pornography--Tracy Wests face after she faked her own rape. Police get off on this stuff.

Or were you frothing about this other false rape accuser; these, tools of deviant justice conceived by police and state social engineers to keep our minds off of the failed US economy, and our last gasp at saving face after Abu Ghraib et al?

Women who lie to get the attention or favor of police make me want to condone femicide. The police state is built on female willingness to perjure themselves against men, and children are affected negatively by such a collusion.

I seldom advocate for the right of vigilante justice—or mob rule, preferring to wage war against injustice from an individual vantage point: a verbal sniper lobbing rounds from the treetops and from underneath bridges.

But I do at times think that men should get together and secretly combine their efforts to fight women’s false rape allegations, child abuse, and domestic violence charges in non-judicial ways, because the police are a big part of domestic problems and courts minimize and uphold women’s perpetual cycles of violence.

Worse, I think about murdering those who perpetrate such injustice, and then hide behind the very mechanisms and organizations that claim to protect us from people like them; such a powerful narrative of lies combined with police and state power can virtually eradicate a persons life, like a shotgun blast to the soul; I sometimes fantasize about doing it back to them, for the sake of men who aren’t angry enough about the issue, and women who are trapped in CIA agency feminism….

Knowing as I do that my voice is a marginalized, rare, and exceedingly vulnerable tool that can be used to advocate for justice or provoke justice, when the expected heroes of the police and the courts fail to uphold her, guns can work too.The legal mechanisms of allegedly higher calling routinely and deliberately sabotage justice, which is becoming more and more of a common theme post 9/11.

America—dropping depleted uranium on children in the middle-east, and raping boys in Iraq-has opened my eyes a bit. The United States has no leg left to stand on when it comes to preaching equality, no matter how desperately American women want to peel burkhas off of women in the deserts, or the CIA claims noble intentions by enabling the theft of oil—power, really, from Bedouins.

I do recognize that when one is at war with injustice, there does come a time for countering one injustice with another, in fact for me it is a compulsion beyond my control, especially when it is state sanctioned or covert injustice directed at me, or my embodied, engendered self.

Like the current and peculiarly western, and American syndrome of False Rape accusations being enshrined as a right of women, rather than a crime against justice.

Tracy West, left, is a false rape accuser. Louis Gonzalez the 3rd is proven innocent.

Tracy West [left] not only falsely accused one of her children’s fathers of rape–she has more than one father to ‘her’ children–but also, she was caught red-faced and red-handed raping herself. Evidence of that self-rape provided by a photograph of a rope-knot in her BDSM (bondage, domination, sadistic-masochistic sex) files on her computer that fit the one she or her accomplice tied around her neck.

And that little issue of the timeline wherein the man she was accusing was nowhere near her at any time.

Tracy West is a living, breathing piece of WarPorn leashed upon America in a fight against our common Constitutional right, and against the rights of future American citizens. She is a cannon ball that feeds the domestic violence waging machine.

I could advocate that an open hit—be taken out against her life, with the end result that humanity itself would be improved, and men would be safe when the police fail to protect men from false rape accusations.

Or I could recommend that she apply immediately for a job in the FBI or CIA and confirm her role as a brainwashed sex tool for National Security use and control—and that she get some protection, if for no other reason than it will prevent another child from being infected with gynorhea*.

But I won’t advocate either of these options, because then, “they” win.

And advocating for the death of such women would be against the law, so I won’t advocate that someone kill her, rape her, or otherwise punish her if you can find her; but maybe let the rest of us know where she lives so we can protect ourselves, and our children from her, in lieu of the courts or the cops doing their jobs, creating a national list of false rape accusers, or simply arresting her for her crime of false rape reporting, and the tragic results of her crime on the rest of us.

Stoning her to death, while it invokes a certain logical response in my brain, sounds so Sharia; so 987 a.d.- yet so justifiable in her case.

Lynching her sounds less fun, and carries the weight of that period of US history that is so racially politicized right now—after all, history in America is for sale—’buy your piece of victory now, before supplies run out!’–but whites[the artificial label given to that eras ‘uplifted’ and ’empowered’ German and Scotch Irish hillbillies and light skinned people] weren’t at all immune from lynching other whites, Catholics, Jews, Mexicans and Italians.

And you definitely don’t want to create a martyr—G-d knows what happens when fanatics like the Agency-feminists get a martyr.

So what’s left? Raping her as a punishment? She is already doing that to herself, and costing taxpayers, and the courts a lot of money–she is into that fer chrise sake!- and besides, do we really need more cops on local budgets merely peeping in windows, to protect such violent and creepy women from themselves? What about their kids?!? Modern American police always seem to overlook what some women are doing to children.

I guess rapeology provides jobs in hard times—when no other jobs can be found.

Oh, and besides—rape HER?…….. eeew! I can smell the dildo warmed spit from her own mouth slathered all over her nasty, yeasty hole as she begs for a [well deserved, but not forthcoming] boot heel in her arse: EEEEEEEW! BDSM people freak me out, if for no other reason that they are so Hitlerish; so police-like, and into ‘deviant’ means of dominated-face-to-subjugated-face interaction, and control, in lieu of actual human to human interaction, or egalitarian discourse.

And I won’t even wait around for Louis Gonzalez the 3rd to exercise his rights to sue her ass for slander, and defamation (men have no legal rights in America to prosecute in courts against state sponsored, police backed legal slander, the curious state of affairs that has occurred with the false rape and domestic violence movement—that very noblebut co-opted, now sad movement) or in the very least having her civilly committed for a long term mental health evaluation.

The type of trauma that Louis Gonzalez the 3rd endured usually ends up with him kissing cops asses, and thanking them, trying to feel like a good guy again to restore his self esteem, after their organized, social rape of his body and mind has occurred; and he trying to re-vindicate himself every time he is near authority figures; he tends to thank them for letting him go, instead of excoriating them for their biased judgmental lapses, crude stereotypes, and their Super Ego based, ass-forwards prone-ness to soaking up American women’s lies from the get go.

Mr. Gonzalez was a perfect target for this kind of ‘women’s movement’ marriage with police state policy and social programming from the start. A bank account; a banker, a suit, a tie—his profile, like Dominique Strauss-Kahn, reads victim of  Agency-feminist agendas from the very start; and I am sure he would tell you, the cops “were just doing their jobs.”

Don’t you ever get tired of hearing that phrase, ” I was just doing my job…” from a cop?

What can you say to these people who leverage our freedom? I will say it for Mr. Gonzalez : I WOULD KILL HER MYSELF, WITH JUST THE RIGHT TIME FRAME, THE RIGHT WITNESSES, AND THE RIGHT ALIBI.( Not really–but it had to be said–I Would If ICould, But…)

And I would lob bombs on those who uphold such an incredible injustice as she, and others like her have perpetrated on society-(IWIICBUCSIW**) and against real rape victims.

But I won’t actually do any of that, as I am a firm believer in the three cheek rule of non-violence, despite myself, and an even more firm believer that her shit will hit the fan as Karma dictates that it will. What comes around, does indeed, go around.

I will only dish it out after you hit the third side of my face—and any news of yet more human beings hauled off to Americas jails on false charges and FBI sanctioned, local police condoned, CIA socially programmed official responses hits my third cheek. So stay away from my other two, if you can help yourself.

But I can wish, can’t I, for a better world than one such as this?

FOR NOW, Mr. Gonzalez is innocent of any implication in the crime Tracy West committed against herself. But he must protect himself forever more against a society that allows the trivialization of human rights, and pre-programs victimology into the worst of our nations progeny.

Men in America are considered disposable targets by police—non-assets to be neutralized by the police and state systems, which then act as procurers, or shepherds culling a herd around the women and children they “protect”; and so I have to re-imagine possibilities for justice when the courts and the cops abrogate the constitutional rights of the equal pursuit of happiness that we all are allegedly guaranteed;much less shit all over the presumption of innocence, which does not exist in such cases.

Which is when I start contemplating crazy stuff like linking up with, or creating secret networks of vigilante justice providers. Or, in the words of the propaganda driven and anti-constitution FBI “creating a terror cell,” in order to balance the scales of justice. ( shout out to the dweeb with an IP address who checked out this post from Langley VA! Ain’t you got better things to do?)

I mean, it would be cool if American men realized what a war is being waged against them, as women like Tracy West cavort about the world collecting children from whatever men they can connive into dropping sperm in them, and then pimping those children to the state, its courts, and its cops, but really—rule by prostitute? That is so Queen Victoria. So Hatshepsut…

And if men did band together to go out and beat, kill, rape, or otherwise harm these women who falsely accuse, I am sure they would be hunted by the FBI, which makes oh so much money polarizing issues, that justice is subverted by “Justice.”

That genderized justice an SS quality, cowardly group of little wage earners whose job choices were to become window-sill leering propagandists with faux penises strapped under their jackets, rather than heroes or actual crime fighters. They are all tools of incrementalism in its most retentive, and tragic form;true enemies of the state.

So what to actually do about Tracy West? Can’t kill her; can’t hunt, or hang her; the law even refuses to prosecute her, and the many, many liars like her?

WELL, HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: do nothing, yet, until it happens to you; and savor the truth being seen. Because, hell, she isn’t even a human, Tracy West—Tracy West IS merely a body with feminist false rape scribbles and slogans all over her; a used, branded object lying in the trash where she belongs. She is a victim of her beliefs about white female privilege and the “brown man”, who acted in complicity with the corruption of the American police.

Hopefully, she will just kill herself, and save any of us the trouble of having to meet her, know her, or be forced to care about—she is a poisoned well; her remaining children are police-state babies. She is the depleted uranium of the American police state-feminist collusion, a poison pill that children will be forced to eat for generations to come, yet I trust she will rot away eventually, without me lifting a finger to help one of her the next hundred times I hear one of IT cry wolf, or rape.

Call a cop honey-those bitches make money to hear your weird tales of self abuse. Then they scribble it all in cop-gibberish into a notebook, and twist the case to fit their own sublimated personality traits–and they will surely guarantee you that the facts will be non-forthcoming any time soon. But I would watch the metaphorical you bleed to death, and walk away–unless more of you who are so willing to file false rape claims begin to file those claims against the police.

Ms. West, you raped herself, and another innocent man spent 83 days in jail and g-d knows how much money to vindicate himself.  Not all wrongly accused men have money like that. But Louis Gonzalez the 3rd is a banker, which is why you stole his kid in the first place, American woman; and he was forced to hire a top notch defense, which cost him dearly. Thankfully, that man had the money and resources to out you as the potential child abuser  you are, and saved one more child from being forced into full time, unprotected contact with you.

But he beat you, and I would beat you if I could–in court, of course, if I had his money, because real justice has been co-opted as the state has inserted itself so deeply into your deviant ass that mere words alone are not enough to cut you off of the lifeline of the police state you cling to.

And when I speak of your deviance, I am not talking about BDSM,  which is Constitutionally protected behavior. When I say deviant, I am talking about your ethical, your spiritual and your intellectual vacuum of fearful, false premises that let them suck the life and spirit out of the law, and put yet another innocent man in jail.

Nikki Craft would agree with me--if she wasn't so busy with guns and nudists all the time.

OOOPs.  Did I use violent sounding language up there?– I sound abusive, right? How weird is that? It is as weird as the design of the social policy that encourages rage, instead of dispensing justice, or prosecuting female perpetrators of false rape claims; a broken system that relies on lies to create the appearance of truth, rather than actual truth, which, BTW, I CAN handle.

A sytem which condones violent action against innocent men, while protecting women from their own and other peoples words.

You might not like what I am saying, but I am no Jake Baker, either.

I am not alone in recommending that people take up arms to protect themselves from violent rape or rape culture. Nikki Craft agrees with me: consider this a leaflet–a warning to all men about a threat to their safety–Tracy West is a false rape accuser, and self-raping Agency-feminist nutcase.

In the words of Ms. Craft about an exonerated male victim of a rape claim by a prostitute: “ we felt it was our responsibility to warn others. If the judicial system would not protect women we would have to do it ourselves.

The woman he had raped and two of her friends joined our group and after days of work and discussion we produced 10,000 leaflets that included his address, place of employment, facts of the trial, as well as educational statements about rape and our society. We included side and frontal photographs of him that we had secretly taken outside the courtroom.

The leaflet was headed, “THIS LEAFLET IS NOT AN ACCUSATION OF GUILT. IT IS A WARNING TO ALL WOMEN OF A POSSIBLE THREAT TO THEIR SAFETY…We felt it our personal responsibility for legal as well as moral reasons. We leafleted his neighborhood and place of employment. We discovered that his employer knew nothing of the charges or the trial. Within the week he was fired from the job he had held for over 10 years”

Ditto that, for TRACY WEST.

Unlike the man in that case who had to face a trial, Louis Gonzalez the 3rd, was not only vindicated by the lies of Tracy West, but every court that heard the case, and he eventually was granted what amounts to a legal“full pardon” by a women’s advocacy judge, Ventura County Superior Court Judge Patricia Murphy– who heard the initial case.

Ms. West was finally ordered to pay $55,000 to her victim, and as could be expected of such evil people, she filed bankruptcy to avoid the debt.

Gonzalez won custody of his son because of Ms. West’s preposterous, deliberate, heinous actions, and accusations-and because he had the money to fight that perpetrating system that otherwise would have laid him down for life under the weight of a gross lie.Meanwhile, he cannot seek compensation for harm from the state, which has created and upholds the curious situation of protecting female criminals who falsely report phony crimes.

I suggest that anyone listening make a personal stake in doing to Ms. West what Ms. Craft recommends–this is my ten thousand leaflets– so  despite the temptation to kill Ms. West outright, rape her, stone her to death, or otherwise give her a taste of what a false rape victim feels–notify your local authorities as to her dubious nature—and get her address.

The authorities make careers, and millions of dollars annually chasing these lies and protecting phony victims , but have no comprehensive plan to prosecute false rape allegations, or lobby for reforms any time soon—there’s just too much at stake right now, like the need to leverage American privacy rights, and build prison cells to house the coming protest. It ain’t backlash that’s the problem, it’s the , it’s b.s. that led to the problem.

Happy July 4th, and may the next revolution truly be  a revolution for actual freedom–not the justice bought-and-sold kind, or the police and family court  mediated kind. That kind of freedom and “justice” has just fucked a lot of kids out of a good life.

But not Louis Gonzalez the 3rd’s kid: he will always be there to protect his child from this woman, and others like her, now that he personally knows that women like her DO exist–and they are armed with the power of the police to protect her right to lie, use the system to try to destroy a man; he knows that now, and so will his son.

* gynorhea: a social disease caused by too much contact with the philosophies and actions of police-state feminism

**a legal disclaimer so that knee jerks and police and Agency-feminists have no legal basis to claim that this piece of writing is anything but pure speech, which for now is still free. I Would If I Could, But I Can’t So I Won’t.

Legal Disclaimer: This is a piece of personal opinion and social commentary, and in no way is intended as constituting, or advocating for harm to Tracy West, false rape accuser, unless such harm is construed as further, proper legal investigation and prosecution of her false rape claim. The author maintains the right to personal opinion, which does not intend to advocate for, encourage, compel, infer, or implicate the right of others to understand this case in their own personal manner.

SlutWalk Raises Awareness of the Need for Therapists, not Cops

In CIA anf Feminism, Police abuse women, Police Personality, Rape Culture, security theater on June 20, 2011 at 11:29 pm

enGendering Rape awareness aim of Sunday’s SlutWalk in Seattle

quotes Rapists don’t go for the prettiest or sexiest or the interestingly dressed. They go… Read more

SlutWalk, the social movement sparked by a Toronto policeman’s comment about rape and dressing provocatively* [ emphasis mine], came to Seattle on Sunday afternoon.

A feisty crowd of chanting, sign-waving, selfdescribed “sluts” marched down Pine Street from Capitol Hill’s Cal Anderson Park to Westlake Center — stopping traffic, confounding tourists and drawing an enthusiastic crowd of onlookers.

Seattle’s event is part of an international series of slutwalks, which got their start earlier this year after a Toronto police officer told a group of women that to avoid being the victims of rape or abuse, they should not dress like sluts.

The suggestion that women are to blame for a rape or sexual violence because of the way they dress has inspired activists to organize walks in Toronto, Boston, Dallas and Ottawa, Ontario. On Saturday, about 200 participants marched in the Spokane SlutWalk. Seattle police estimated about 500 participated in Sunday’s event.

[ notice the photog above featured the one “attractive girl”, instead of the great mass of obese women in attendance–how pimping/ lookist is that? But these women are more open to police/social control, because they seek approval]


* provocatively: to provoke

Slutwalkers Need TheRapists.

I don’t think Slutwalking does a thing for raising awareness about rape or rape culture but it does put female ugliness on display, in more ways than one.

Gone are the days of svelt Playboy bunny and neoCIA agent Gloria Steinem, and in with tattooed manwomen, dorky, cowardly desperate manboys, and the obese–and everyone who agrees with the statement that men deserve what they get if they “provoke” a bully, right?

Wrong. Modern feminists are so estranged from real men that they can only make their appeals to police rape culture, because real men are constantly under violent social pressures of conformity, and isolated from the dialogues.

Don’t think modern feminism is an ugly tool of social control? Take a look yourself at the Seattle Slutwalkers.

As usual, the standard knee-jerks are out in force, blaming rape on men, and encouraging women to have no accountability whatsoever in the perpetuation of rape culture.

That party line is as old as the social troll-hags that started the modern CIA backed feminist movement, with the absence of communist and CIA backed Abzugs, Steinems, Dworkins, and Friedans.

Maybe modern feminism just isn’t Communist enough, or Jewish enough to inspire larger crowds of hopefuls to catch the attention of CIA buy-in; or maybe they aren’t as good looking as they once were, those sexually liberated women of lost ages; or maybe they just bought in themselves.

They sure are Dworkinesque though, in every sense of the word: rotted minds and fallow bodies.

Dworkinesque: coined after Andrea Dworkin(below): women who are fat, mean, sad man-haters who never get any GOOD dick.

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE “Intercourse remains a means, or the means, of physiologically making a woman inferior: communicating to her, cell by cell, her own inferior status . . . pushing and thrusting till she gives in.”

I mean, how would Dworkin know anything about sexual intercourse with a man? And yet her summation of sex has become mantra for these SlutWalkers, and such rhetoric is the fertilizer of growth of the modern American police conglomerate.

Strange contradiction–especially in light of the fact that none of these women seem to care  that there are over 2.3 million American men in jail facing the possibility of being raped daily, both at the hands of “other mothers children,” and the institutions of the police.

Police routinely abuse males (other mothers sons), but women are strangely silent about that, as if men who get abused by police are a mothers dirty secret. And police routinely lock up victims of male on male violence and assault instead of perpetrators, but there still is no outcry against women who employ false rape allegations.

You can’t have your cake and walk it too…

Have you ever seen a more motley and mentally grotesquely shaped group of feminists? It makes me long for the days when feminists were merely CIA operatives warring for control of female sex, and female bodies.

Slutwalk Seattle definitely raised awareness of one thing for sure: ugly people need attention too.

A new Pearl Harbor? The spooks are at it again, warns CIA Chief Leon Panetta.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, security theater, Socialism, on June 15, 2011 at 9:54 pm

The United States is stirring up another world war, says Leon Panetta, speaking in CIA coDE.

And we all remember what happened before WW 2 right? America and Japan were arguing about how to manipulate the East Asian and specifically the Chinese economy, while America waged covert wars to seal up the supply line of opium, the base drug of heroin.

And, the Americans were demonizing the Chinese, and persecuting them in America.

American leaders instigated a world climate that provoked a Japanese attack, and then they waited for it, without warning those poor boys at Pearl Harbor.

Which is why America needs your support to condone the massive abuses of the warrantless wiretap, the roving wiretap, and every other ‘security procedure’ that enables them to spy on Americans’ phone and internet connections.

CIA Chief Leon Panetta: Cyberattack Could Be ‘Next Pearl Harbor’

Panetta Cyberattack Pearl Harbor Defense Secretary

The Huffington Post  Amy Lee  First Posted: 06/13/11 11:38 AM ET Updated: 06/14/11 12:47 AM ET


Appearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee for a confirmation hearing for his appointment as the secretary of defense, Leon Panetta warned that the U.S. could face cyberwarfare in battles to come.

The FBI, the NSA, and all of those other good American organizations cannot win the next war without warring on Americans first, so please support your local police as they peak in your neighbors windows–just stay silent about it, and everything will be o.k. , and especially remember–its not you they are after-yet.

The root of False rape claims, the CIA and Agency-Feminism.

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Rape Culture, security theater on June 14, 2011 at 8:36 pm

Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA.

Roots of the false rape accusation syndrome, and how women enable Rape Culture, an American history lesson .

Real, actual rapes happen, but despite the rhetoric, America as an entity doesn’t care about that. The nation cares instead about how it can manipulate personal, private pain into national financial gain.

First, America was allowed by the international community to get away with the human rights atrocities of the Viet Nam war, because then, in the wake of WW2, we were the ‘do-good’ go-to people; the good guys who beat Hitler.

So international banksters and the military industrial complex took advantage of this international perception, and the CIA created and funded feminists whose dialogues of division seized control of the domestic climate.The government inched closer to American children.

The FBI all too willingly bought into agency- feminist* backed schemes to seize American children, even as the CIA raped children overseas. In current vernacular, theFBI claims a desire to end “child exploitation and human trafficking,” while overlooking, or nodding and winking at the perpetrators of such violence.

This same collusion created the horror of CIA social and sexual experimentation on the people–the men, the women, and especially the children of Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

In other words, the CIA’s rapes of Southeast Asian people, and the fact that they were allowed to get away with it without consequences from the International community, led to the current American domestic war: the FBI hunt for perpetrators of rape in Southeast Asia, but a far more lasting result was achieved: the rape society and its progeny, the rapeology method of social control in America, and internationally.

Child exploitation and trafficking  is a for them, merely another tool of social control, an excercise in propaganda.

Both agencies have missed the real perpetrators, because they are the perpetrators. It is women who have primary access to children, and thus, the values, mores and norms that are established for these children is by the women who birthed them; not least of those ‘norms’ is the childs sexuality.

Modern Feminism embodies the female political body, the object that is and has always been a tool male embodied CIA social control; and such women as Gloria Steinem–an active CIA agent and organizer—worked with the likes of Henry Kissinger to create the false rape society in America, and all of its progeny overseas.

We can see the direct and current link of the CIA, and feminist theory in the prosecution of visionary Julian Assange. His accusers, Ana Ardin and Sofia Wilen are now acknowledged to be in collusion to falsify their testimony about Assange.

Meet Assange’s primary accuser–a CIA operative.

Ardin has also published “a seven step guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends”( google that phrase), whose links have now been removed from the internet-the ENTIRE internet. : Ana Ardin .
She has many active links to the feminist hate groups, the CIA, and CIA operatives, and is now widely recognized as a false rape crier.

The residue of this sort of black collaboration is the voyeur like impulse of the do-gooder society–by now exported all over the world– to ‘seek out’ and lay blame not on America, and its tens of thousands of uncounted rapes of Southeast Asians, but on the men who go there for sex tourism(and women, too, from all over the world).  Blaming men in general–waging war on males.

Worse, for all societies, is that Americas policy of not naming so-called rape victims is akin to a secret process that will lead to secret trials, and secret proceedings everywhere.

Feminism, in its concerned voyeur stance contributes as much or more to current sexual exploitation around the world. Its version of exploitation masquerades as the den mother , or the dirty lesbian gym teacher to the charade of “right posture” in matters of sexuality, while being allowed unfettered access to children.

They then indoctrinate and then pimp those children into “right” attitudes, and “right” ideologies of sexuality–in the American case, the ideology of bartering a womans sliding scale of truth telling against America’s larger objective of controlling the worlds resources and finances.

The CIA used the people as a training ground for sexual shame based social programming, during and after the time US soldiers were there–many if not most of them against their will–and the real crime of that war was how the CIA perpetrated its sexual brainwashing of these Asian people.

The video demonstrates the  after-effects of such a collusion, not the primary status of the culture under attack by US agents of control. Men are shown as panderers, and perverts, women as victims of those men, and children as sex slaves, without mentioning the previous fifty years of US involvement ion the region, or tactics of  CIA creation of sex camps and sexual indoctrination . The reporter-provocateur format of the ‘investigation’ demonstrates the nature of the voyeuristic ‘do-gooders’ who gain access to children through such means.

While the cripplingly vast majority of men never travel to such places, the do-gooder society is extending its reach all over the world, exporting strange American sex experiments overseas, and using such social experiments as foils against insight into the true nature of America.

American agency-feminist women desire getting ever closer to these children–while minimizing rapes perpetrated by the US government, its unchecked CIA, and the portraying the myths that the FBI  is waging war against  human trafficking, or child exploitation. They are all waging war against Americans, and the genie is out of the bottle–or more appropriately, that junk in Pandoras box looks pretty infectious.

* agency feminists are women who claim to be feminists, but are actually FBI or CIA agents provocateurs with sliding scales of morality. They are the psychopathic other halves of state  terror waged against citizens.

The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police on June 14, 2011 at 12:39 am

…is due to be realeased, as the FBI raids privacy rights, and wages war against American Civil Libertie.

My prediction: it will be a barely read or understood text, interpreted roughly by clubfooted and should-have-retired-years-ago second stringer agents and salary strung out adrenalin junkies, just like the old one.

Second prediction: the FBI continues its war against American citizens, but will lose on many fronts if Americans unite to protect their civil rights.

Look at you, sitting there twiddling your thumbs on the anniversary of the release of the Pentagon Papers, while your privacy rights are thrown out the window by the FBI, while they are looking in your windows.

If you thought that the old operations manual of the FBI  demonstrated how willing they are to poke their nose into your butt crack, listen in on you taking a dump while talking to your wife or other business associates; sniff through your garbage, spy on your kids in the shower,feed your dog so it shuts up when they are sneaking around in your yard, and harassing you until you commit crimes, you should read this.

The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I...

According to the New York Times, they have expanded their desire to get into your bank accounts, your little black book, your garage porn stash, talk to your buddies at the bar, or leer at your wife and kids so extensively, that the old operations manual–the one they used to illegally follow peace activists, anti-war activists, and other non-violent citizen- was thrown out the window.

From NY Times:

F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds

WASHINGTON — The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention. [ notice this key phrase that blames victims of FBI harassment for the harassment: “people who have attracted their attention,” as if anyone wants that–a bunch of overpaid, uncreative types drawing conclusions about you to justify their paychecks]

Valerie E. Caproni, FBI genital counsel
photo by Brendan Smialowski for The New York Times

Valerie E. Caproni, the F.B.I. general counsel, said the bureau had carefully considered each change to its operations manual.

The new rules add to several measures taken over the past decade to give agents more latitude as they search for signs of criminal or terrorist activity.


The new, female face of the FBI is just like a prudish, fat old soccer mom gone crazy, with a massive overly compulsive urge to get at the secrets of her pubescent teenaged sons and daughters, while protecting her own dildos in her top dresser drawer.

Only problem is, American citizens aren’t teenagers, despite their sheepish compliance in the face of this form of domestic terror waged by the FBI. But former FBI agents are aware of the extent that the old field manual wasn’t followed.

According to the Times: “Michael German, a former F.B.I. agent who is now a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, argued that it was unwise to further ease restrictions on agents’ power,” because FBI agents are notorious for criminal behavior, and all too eager to falsify, or plant evidence to create a case.

“Claiming additional authorities to investigate people only further raises the potential for abuse,” Mr. German said, pointing to complaints about the bureau’s surveillance of domestic political advocacy groups and mosques and to an inspector general’s findings in 2007 that the F.B.I. had frequently misused “national security letters,”.

The FBI has opened tens of thousands of unsubstantiated investigations of American citizens in the years following 9/11, with a less than a 1% rate of prosecution.

The FBI suffers from organ inferiority* [part1]

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Resources on June 10, 2011 at 12:35 am

…possibly because their big brother, the CIA, sends them all their leftovers [ and here, and here too]–and their men always get off when they are charged and acquitted for their crimes against humanity.

Fight Rape By the Police Culture

American police, or soldiers,  routinely get off on rape charges.

Here is a video that will help you in case you are attacked by the FBI, or other hyper masculine organs.

<object style=”height: 390px; width: 640px”><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/UvriHtHHPLA?version=3″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></object>

The FBI is intensely focused on the rhetoric of rape, while ignoring the actual rape culture that creates conditions where rape occurs–like having an police agencies full of hyper-masculinized, but closeted, voyeuristic “do-gooders,” who posit that the country is full of “bad men,” while eagerly covering up their own indiscretions, agency wide.

American police culture has seized on the rhetoric of rape culture, and distorted its intention. The politics of rape culture have even been exported overseas–and the FBI even tried to bribe associates of Julian Assange to lie about him, so that the US can invade his privacy even more.

We all need to fight rape, but first we have to understand how police psychology contributes to a rape culture. It begins with hyper-masculinized social rituals, like policing.

Clint Eastwood—a real bad ass film director, is filming a movie about J.Edgar Hoovers affair with a male colleague . But the Corporation seems to underestimate women, women in the organization, and American women’s culpability in crime.

Maybe hyper-vagina envy is what drives the state organ of the FBI to always gets “their man”—likely because the founder of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, was a drag queen , and would stop at nothing to get “his man”. They are so desperate to prove their little secrets.

And they overcompensate for their engendered organizational biases by creating and maintaining the surveillance society, as if the entire organization has internalized and sublimated a mother that believes it has an inherent and noble right to peek into your dresser drawers.

America’s finest want you to stay distracted with bad Weiners in the mass media, just like they do [here,and here also  ], but they want you to think all wieners are bad, FBI gud. That way, all those cunts at the FBI can continue their covert, out-dated back-door plotting and scheming against real Americans.

You don’t hear much about the FBI getting their woman though—or even looking for her–likely because she is working for, or being created by them or their mind bending colleagues at the CIA; she is currently being trained and vetted overseas for importation to the US, as in the case of Iman al-Obeidi, a mouth piece for Americas rape ideology gone wild.

They are just too darn busy chasing down men who don’t suffer from organ inferiority , and when the failure of rape theology–rapeology– doesn’t work to create a boogieman here at home, they create a new war—against two thousand foot tall “cyber-attackers!!!”

First and foremost, America is offering invitation to women from foreign countries whose own country has decided she is a prostitute, or a trouble maker– and her willingness to cry “rape” in propaganda campaigns is the modern equivalent of a passport application to the US, and protection by the state organ of the FBI.

And secondly, the false allegations of rape by American women, combined with FBI and CIA social engineering that hides American culpability in rapes during wartime have cast doubt upon accusations of rape.

Worse, apparently it would just be too darn hard to track down all those rape victims of American soldiers from Viet Nam who now live in the US, so apparently the CIA helped the rape-ideology beleaguered  FBI by creating Iman Al-Obeidi.

Of course, Obeidi will probably make her case on “The View,” and CNN–where she will likely have a romantic reunion with Anderson Cooper( after which she will claim she was raped, no doubt), but where are those shows in their commentary about the rights of the tens of thousands of Iraqi women raped by American soldiers?(more American soldiers raping Iraqi’s: 1, 2)

American soldiers tortured and raped young boys, women and men in Iraq. Why is the FBI still silent about it? They are complicit in it, and they don’t want to hear it, because the way propaganda works is that ” a lie will go around the world a thousand times before the truth wakes up…”

The few American soldiers that have been convicted to harsh prison sentences for raping Iraqi women , seems like the tip of an iceberg that the FBI could investigate, but we will never hear those women’s stories on The View, nor will America willingly allow and encourage them to speak to the press, as Obeidi has.

The American war machine is not excited about the prospect of interviewing or investigating the men, boys, and women of Iraq who were raped by American soldiers and never reported it, or the women who were raped and then summarily murdered by American soldiers.

And the FBI, all so eager to ‘penetrate’ and ‘saturate’ the region and gain ‘valuable information ‘about terrorists in the opening days of the wars is surprisingly still silent about American soldiers raping foreign women.

Just look at the occupation of Korea as an example.

Having husbands, brothers, and children killed, or being raped and coerced by an American soldier; and being violated in an American police action is apparently the price women pay to get to America—just ask any Viet Namese, Cambodian, or Korean woman who came here during those wars.

The price of the fare is silence about American police actions and American rapists, once the get here; not at all unlike the price that any woman “trafficked” to America pays.

The FBI is all too eager to talk about “human trafficking” these days, while failing completely to correct its definitional biases against men which creates the appearance of innocence of American women in these heinous crimes perpetrated overseas.

It makes a laughing stock out of the stories that victims of American wars have to tell. These stories—tens of thousands of them–wouldn’t make US look good, not least of which is because in Arabic countries, merely touching a woman who doesn’t consent is defined as rape, just like it is here in America–much less the rape of their sons.

The difference is that men in America are prosecuted even if the rape charges are false, because the FBI has been flying the false flag of rapeology for years now, and even false convictions drive statistics up, which is good for a state organ that seeks to create the appearance that they are Uber-necessary.

They fed the American woman rape biscuits for the last several decades, and forgot to mention how women can be rapists too; failed to pursue or prosecute false rape accusers, and defined rape so narrowly that only men could be prosecuted–as Salon.com points out.

Perhaps that is because the women of America are Uber-special, like Obeidi: they are, or they are willing to, work within the parameter of a police state engendered paradigm of hypocritical, hyper-selective “justice”.

Perhaps that is due to the fact that the kind of women that America wants to represent aren’t really women at all, but rather they are the Freudian psycopathic “other-halves” to American “strongmen” in an endless cycle of war and death directed at families overseas.

That perverse organizational view destroys  alternative lifestyles in America and encourages false rape allegations by women–as long as they scream out loud, and adhere to the FBI’s male dominated and dominating definitions of rape they are good allies for the FBI domestic war machine, that wages domestic violence on the American people.

Conformity requires that male dominated organizations can form, and then rely on stereotypical visions of women that uphold the violence that those organized men are willing to perpetrate.

The FBI is a propaganda organ that relies on the lie, the half truth, and the manipulation of that truth–and has steadfastly refused to investigate the fact that its version of reality causes much of the suffering abroad, while it wages domestic violence here at home.

They are your Narcissistic, psychotic leaders*,  invading peoples privacy, while espousing noble-sounding rapeology   in their toolkit of social control

The FBI hacks Google

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Supreme Court complicit with police power, Uncategorized on June 7, 2011 at 10:30 pm
Joseph Raymond McCarthy.

Joseph McCarthy,precursor to today's religious fanatics on the Supreme court,and precursor to other non-Patriots like InfraGard Image via Wikipedia

and Google is p*wnded but no one in America seems to care, because the FBI has collaborated with private parties and American media, which has you trained to blame LulzSec , or China for Google’s PR problems .

Beyond the baseline level of bad propaganda and disseminating disinformation  (LulzSec denies that the man arrested for the hack was a member of its organization), the FBI is notorious for breaking in to peoples computers[1 in 4 hackers is an FBI informant], uses hackers to access US citizens e-mails, and kicking down the doors of American citizens, human rights advocates, and peace activists all the time [here ,here  , and everywhere]

Does the FBI control Googles page ranks?


FBI-America wants you to focus instead on how China treats human rights activist Ai Wei Wei, or how Chinese teenagers play around on the internet, and brought down Google.

The FBI even tells you that it is the Chinese military that is hacking Americas infrastructure, and is willing to go to war against them, even though there is evidence that the Chinese military wasn’t responsible , when in fact it was likely a couple of hairdressers.

But what they don’t tell you could have the greatest destructive influence on American society ever: the FBI has, since 1996 been in cahoots with American businesses to destroy your right to privacy.

Undoubtedly, American business is largely controlled by Republicans, and the wealthy, who are willing to sell or barter this nation into oblivion.

The organization responsible for that traitorous collusion with the FBI, and that breach of the threshhold of your home is called IntraGard, and they have been watching you and your internet for years.

The good news is that LulzSec—responsible for hacking Sony, Nintendo, and PBS, has hacked into the Atlanta chapter of InfraGard, and released 180 personal passwords . Here is their login page  in case you have one of those passwords, but be careful–by now it is likely dripping with honey from FBI bees.

InfraGard has long been in collusion with the FBI in order to subvert and destroy your 4th amendment rights against being subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures.

IntraGards method of circumventing the United States Constitution [get one free here ]is relatively simple, and sadly effective.

Any member of IntraGard can at any time, claim that your activity is suspicious, and alert the FBI. The FBI takes information that is essentially stolen from private data bases, or simply takes the word of an IntraGard agent, and their word becomes pretext to investigation.

Joseph McCarthy in his wettest cold-war-porn dream could not have thought up a better way to manipulate the spirit of the law, or circumvent due process than to have a select, pre-vetted group of willing informers to rat on, or help setup US citizens to FBI scrutiny.

These InfraGard cowards are not Minutemen , in the classic sense of United States History.

And they are not modern patriots—they are the hidden face of the looming escalation of covert war on American citizens.

They are truly xenophobic, anti-Americans worked into a froth over the loss of white privilege, and they are willing to take you out to get their version of history written.

IntraGard, Google, and Sony, et al have been hacked by true American patriots who fight against the repressive regime of FBI deception, and misappropriation of the Constitution—even if those patriots seem to be from “overseas”.

Since when did the FBI ever give a shit about human rights? They are proud of their ability to create premises for the criminal conviction of Americans, and the history of the organization is one that routinely breaches all imaginable legal boundaries in its quest to create the appearance of crime.

Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib have proven the willful blindness and incapacity of the FBI in that arena. What moral high ground is left for America to take; what high road is left when the police become the robbers.

All that is left to them is pre-emptive propaganda wars that further oppress freedom in the disguise of cvreating or upholding it. Below is a real-time example of disinformation in action.

Google the phrase “FBI violates Human Rights”, and here is what comes up in the results—FBI pre-emptive propaganda that puts the search term after FBI agenda ( screenshot above). The Chinese might be right when they say that Google is a political tool .

FBI agents are richly rewarded for their efforts too, earning up to 136,000 dollars per year, plus benefits (packages that include full health care, stipends, and extra money for joining “task forces,” like the one that operates the disinformation campaign above.)

My guess is that the highest road we can take is somewhere in resource rich Tibet , which is why America actively harbors dissenters from there, and focuses energy on blathering on about the evils of China.

The real goal of the US in talking about Chinese abuses of power is that the US can gain a foothold into Tibet’s water supply, which effectively takes water away from China.

What could be called a threat to the Chinese is a blessing to Americans who adore religions empty promises, and America began its ideological cyber war with China long before the Chinese figured out that they were under attack.

China has recently called Google a “political tool’ because American businesses jumped on the ‘blame China bandwagon’ when China refused to allow American propaganda into its country, via Google.

China is against hacking as much as we are , but the FBI relentlessly blames them instead of being accountable for or admitting its own hacking exploits.

And suddenly when Google accounts used by Americans who wage cyber-war in China are hacked, the FBI wants to try to take a moral high ground about free speech rights?

They need to work on that here.

Is it mere coincidence that uber-important ally in the fight against “terror” Pakistan sits on the edge of China? A coincidence that America has condoned massive repression there, in a country that has its finger—and its religious fanaticism—plugged into China’s backside?

We doubt it.

More likely, and more true to American form, is that we are creating a pretext for even more, and evermore “pre-emptive war,” which is Americas un-creative default solution to dysfunctional social problems of policing that have spilled over into the world arena .

When all else fails, blame China, who owns a ton of American debt —or look inward at the reason why America is in debt: it can no longer afford or justify its flawed social programming, much less tame its chief propaganda agents quest for inflated, over-blown budgets and phony trumped up justifications of “America being under attack”.

The FBI is the Praetorian Guard of a twilight America, and American citizens are in the Colosseum. A threat to American freedom, and a failing social experiment that needs correction.

But who can police the police?