Justice For-All

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TSA denies having required old woman to remove diaper, but admits it is attracted to the idea anyways.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Profile the Police, Smart Phone Apps help protect you from police on June 28, 2011 at 12:05 am

TSA denies having required a 95-year-old woman to remove diaper – CNN.com.


American police paramilitaries are at it again–this time, they are peeling into 95-year-old women’s diapers instead of children’s, or getting off on raping women [ here, here, and everywhere you look these days].

Predatory voyeurism is integral to the modern police personality, which uses the euphemism “surveillance” to legitimate their unhealthy impulses. Maybe it’s time to police the police, and phone apps might just be the right way to begin that process.

And Citizen Media can help save you from police abuses , says Open Watch, an organization dedicated to using new media to the rampant post 9/11 police corruption.

Like I said before, American police, FBI, etc. want to get into your babies diapers, and they want access to your daughters, but this is a new low, even for the TSA, which is a notoriously invasive agency when it comes to personal privacy.

The TSA can’t find bomb parts, in their complex role in Americas security theater, but they found grandmas pee-stains just fine. Typical cop maneuver–missing the big fish, and muddying the water for a real catch.

The whole TSA invasion of the American body is one of Americas latest attempts to indoctrinate citizens into a two tiered class system wherein privileged people ( the wealthy) can negotiate or outright purchase their privacy right, while commoners must endure full body contact with police types, and daily invasions by police–who seldom police their own kind, or police the wealthy.

Anyone who has ever endured that is familiar with the lingering stench that cop-aftershave leaves in the nostrils, and worse, lingering memories of being fondled by a breed of half-wits who use badges and pistol power instead of intellect to ‘reach out’ and touch others.

After all these heroes are “just doing their job,” right?

When will America get tired of hearing that old trope? If cops did their jobs, we would have a whole lot more cops in jail.

The best way that you can capture and preserve evidence of police or police para-military agency abuse is to have a cellphone, a sound recording device or another capture device handy at all times, according to Salon.com.

Police hate being watched, and are actively lobbying for exceptions against being photographed or recorded while performing ‘official’ duties–like peeking in old ladies diapers.

So citizens are fighting back against the stacked deck of police power and corruption that falsifies testimony from the start.

 CopRecorder, a smart phone app lets you record what cops are up  to and then upload your evidence to the internet without giving away the fact that you are recording, because cops routinely obstruct citizen investigation by smashing cameras, deleting images from cameras, and stealing cameras.

And cops hate getting caught in the act, and are developing a paranoia against  the apps.

Here is an incredible story of a reverse sting on a typically corrupt cop, wherein a racially profiled Asian male ( a lawyer) used CopRecorder to document police manipulation of evidence.

Photograph the police, record the police, and prosecute the police before its too late. And besides, we all love apps–even grandmas.

Michele Bachmann for President ? Michele loves the children way too much

In CIA anf Feminism, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Rape Culture, security theater on June 23, 2011 at 12:28 am

Maybe my internet connection is slow, or maybe it’s not. Maybe the search terms Michele Bachmann and “child prostitution in Minnesota” are on the FBI radar.

Either way, when I tried to access the documentation of the Republican involvement in the pedophilia and prostitution scandals that had occured under Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George Bush Jr.-newspaper scans and clippings, police reports, trials and judicial investigations- my web search was redirected and the connection timed out.

Seven times.


I was curious if the recent announcement of Michele Bachmann running for president scared anyone except me, because, after all, she has a main pipeline hook-up to children in Minnesota foster care, and has made money by taking in many of them, and Minnesota has a curious reputation for producing child prostitutes culled from low income families and foster care.

I was also wondering about the fact that over the years, many American children involved in the foster care system have been molested, sexually abused, used, while IN that system, or otherwise harmed, scapegoated,and misdirected through life after contact with foster parents, while many others–especially the males– wound up in prison,discredited, or dead.

Like many Republicans before her, Michelle Bachmann just loves the foster care kiddies. 

I was especially curious, because many many years ago, during the Reagan years, other Republicans were implicated in child sex abuse claims that rocked the nation, but these children’s stories were eventually swept under the proverbial prayer shawl when names were being named, and fall guys being felled.

The kids claimed they were mind controlled, and attendance and victimization at shadowy cross country sex parties of Republican operatives and politicians. Some passed lie detector tests and said that George H.W. Bush himself made appearances at those parties, or drew maps of the inside of the White House that no kid could know unless they had been there.

One Paul Bonacci collected a million dollar judgement against some of his perpetrators many years after the FBI sought to discredit him (largely because he was a male accuser, rather than a female), and instigated him being locked up for five years on perjury charges, and a judge brushed his story under the rug, while some of the other victims themselves were sentenced to prison because the judge called them liars and perjurers.

Then I watched, as “first wave feminism” cozied up ever closer to right wing police ideology; and colluded with national media and national police organizations to proselytize rape theology–a cultish socio-political climate and method of social blackmail, and control where adherents viciously attack non-believers, and ruthlessly prey on non conformist males like Julian Assange.

If feminists were anything but a CIA backed movement, they would question Bachmann’s child rearing experience, or Mitt Romney’s for that matter.

Listened as uber-manly John Walsh convinced us that child predators were everywhere, cooperation with police is necessary at all times, because he had lost his son to someone; and observed how the Nation built forward into a perspective where a military draft was no longer necessary; as American boys and girls were desensitized, and militarized through Ritalin, video games, and fear of consensual sex. Fearful enough to sign chastity vows, yet sign up for war, and get their hands on guns and go over seas to kill other [married] peoples children.

 All this as American prisons–rape factories, really– doubled and then over-crowded their capacity to house Americas men–sons, husbands, fathers-of-children-men, and multiplied charges that could be brought against men, as if American men were actually the problem.`

And I absorbed how women were to be believed no matter what, even when they were clearly violence prone and proven liars.

Try as one can, it is almost impossible to avoid the idea of conspiracy theory, but my internet connection was cut seven times when I began to look for the old newspaper cyber-clippings and the names of the victims of these earlier cases of horrendous child abuse that preceded–and in some ways created, the rape-culture politics of the last two decades.

The very phrase conspiracy evokes an instant and undesirable reaction in most listeners, and an even quicker dismissal of the speaker as dubiously motivated or uninformed at best, and then dismissed with real evidence of crime minimized as merely part of a “Conspiratainment Complex”.

As one commentator puts it, “Conspiracy Theory lacks credibility because it has no history. Original research doesn’t get cited so much as looted, refitted as filler content to feed new revelations to a hungry audience. They know what they like because they like what they know. It is a product that gets updated for new audiences through a self-selected succession of upstart entrepreneurs. Mae Brussel becomes Lyndon LaRouche becomes Alex Jones…”

Yet conspiracy–or in the very least, distrust of official sources and inferences drawn in lieu of honesty from such sources– is beginning to define modern relations between American citizens and the press, the government, the police, and especially ‘citizen journalists. We doubt even our neighbors over the back fence, as we become a nation that routinely and daily marches over international treaties, the Geneva conventions, and UN charters in what appears to be a desperate attempt to control the outcomes of the world–for the next thousand years.

And we do it without questioning the perpetrators: our tacit, complicit selves; our neighbors, OUR police, and OUR government.

We are numbed to human rights abuses in America because we are afraid to speak about the abuses of our nation of excess, and those abuses are egregious, yet unspeakable, because many fear that we could become the next one in line for abuse. We all look at the man on the whipping post and secretly say ” glad it ain’t me,” or ” you probably did something to deserve it,” rather than to speak against the inhumanity.

Who cares if the last decades of presidents ruled by secret Executive Orders, and Obama is no different? ‘Its cheaper to run the paper pushing govermint that way, right? That guy getting his ass handed to him by cops on that Youtube video? He shoulda’ kept his mouth shut, and ain’t that funny how the cop rams the guys head into the squad car door? Haw, Haw, Haw…’

Glad it ain’t me…

So if you do decide to look into issues for yourself–or in the parlance of a bygone era, to employ freethinking–you are likely to encounter doubtful, unbelievable information all along the way, with a host and smattering of divisive partisan and anti-partisan rhetoric and lots of factoids that mainstream media manufactures,yet refuses to validate–hell, we’re still waiting to see the John F. Kennedy files!

Oh, and lots of cute rescued puppy stories .

But you won’t always have your internet connection cut off, redirected,or otherwise impeded until you look into what are, apparently, all the right places for all the right data with all the right Agency names, stories like “child prostitution pipeline in Minnesota,” for instance.

The problem isn’t the information, but its sources in government and the FBI et al, and worse, the glut of ‘safe’ and ‘sanctioned’ media is all just propaganda in favor of American consumer capitalism, and designed to numb your mind out of the idea of asking important questions–did Hunter S. Thompson actually commit suicide or was he suicided?

What really matters, then is ‘What’s your flavor?’ ESPN and the latest b.s. scandal about some pumped-up athlete on steroids? Or CSI: Miami, and its brand of power and control police-porn and escapism?

What (gasp!) yet another hither-come-yon 16-year-old maiden that was trained by Disney Corp. to be a ‘child superstar’ only to later cram her butt cheeks onto a stripper pole, and get all of us talking? How do you think she got the job as a child star for Disney execs in the first place?

The modern media cranks out one of those stories every couple of years, tropes and parodies of real news; real humdingers to slather over, but crummy stories to read. From a money standpoint, imaginative as your entertainment dollar is old–but how trite, and uncreative; how easy to access and control such stories; how easy to talk about.

Which makes them non-stories. Infotainment for couch-sitting numb-asses stuck in the Conspiratainment Complex, trying to shoot their way to the next level of Law and Order SVU over a box of Oreos.

But real stories are always there,and they boil and simmer, and waft real flavor, and spice. They take time to cook, and for some ingredients to settle to the bottom, while others bubble up to the top. Real stories take time to read, and research, and to finally tell you by their scent that the time is ripe to tell them–even the left-overs are savory.

I know that I haven’t found real information UNTIL the internet connection goes wacky.

Obama’s latest lockstep-with-Bush maneuver? Boring, and besides he’s doing his best, and gee whizz he sure talks nice for a…um, lawyer.

The CIA stirring up endless war in the middle east? More drones, droning? What’s new? That old story is too difficult for most of us to understand, or care about, and besides, ‘those people are always killing eachother over there anyways’– until it was us over there killing those people–but for freedom–and National Security reasons; like, dude, cool warporn videos of real life videogame killers, conquering heroes.

Who cares if the CIA is exporting child slavery? They moved the Finders cult to Taiwan?

Who cares…

WE TRUST GOVERNMENT; WE LIKE OUR JOBS ( those of us who have them still); AND WE DON’T CARE WHAT HAPPENS OUT THERE, AS LONG AS MY TAXES DON’T GO UP…and cops keep those crack-heads and sex offenders out of my neighborhood.

And, hey if I want real interesting stories about real stuff, I will listen to John Grishham on audio mp3 ; the latest on how Harry Potter comes out of the closet riding a vibrating broom that his mother bought him, in a touching moment.

But Jeff Gannon? Who is he and who cares anymore?
That story is so, um, 2008, and John Stewart covered that. And don’t even tell me about Guantanamo anymore, at least it isn’t Abu Ghraib. And besides, who cares?

Oh, wait: SlutWalk is big news, right now, something to talk about, and it helps women, right?

Its the moment we live in that counts–so never mind that the same police agency in Toronto Canada that made a ‘bad remark about women dressing provocatively’ also broke Dorian Bartons arm at the G20 and tried to cover-up his false arrest and physical damages by hiding the police officer responsible for it!

What matters is that SlutWalkers with imaginary rapes in their heads distract us away from stories of recent and actual victims of police violence, and whether or not feminism is intact, and women controlled through fear.

It’s not easy to research the fringes of boring old history, nor is it easy to recover histories truly defining and important lost moments; but if we cared about anything, we should care about how hooked up Michelle Bachmann is with Minnesota foster children–we should be very scared, because back there in the not too far away past is the Franklin Credit Union scandal, the CIA child cult the Finders and the many moments that followed.

Republicans, the CIA, the FBI and foster care kids have a cozy little history worth noting. As Bachmann puts it, kids have value: “Our children are worth it and obedience to God demands it.”

That not-too-far-away past was just enough time to raise Generation Single mother/Split-family household– soldiers and cannon fodder for the IED laden roads of Iraq. No room for men–or fathers- in the houses of lower income families, when fear-trained women are raising future soldiers on a steady diet of war-porn, video games, hatred for men, and Ritalin–and we talk about a technology gap, while importing tech savvy workers from India, and China?

Another  moment from the past not quite lost, is the not long ago actual news of the Finders pedophilia and child sex cult; a group of people who were part of a major international child sex and pornography ring, a criminal case of child neglect, abuse, and cult-sex effectively buried the FBI.

Those moments are not entirely lost, nor are those moments or the significance of those moments forgotten. Sometimes they just move them overseas. Those moments pertain to now, as society acts out an orchestrated response to imagined rape, while vilifying men who work for peace.

What is missing though, is a plausible explanation of why the FBI did virtually nothing about allegations of children being sexually abused, shuffled across Americas borders in vans, pimped to political organizations and some of them eventually committing suicide, and being murdered on their watch.

What is missing is an explanation from the FBI of why it allowed the child victims of that eras scandals to be prosecuted for perjury after those victims spoke out at trials and at judicial inquiries. Or why the FBI let the CIA cover-up that “internal matter”  of the Finders child porn and sex cult. After all, the CIA charter does not allow them to do their dirt here on American shores–right?

Which would have implicated the FBI for not prosecuting criminals within the CIA. And it implicates them now in orchestrating and socially engineering a climate of false flag waving about child sex rings and porn.

Why now the FBI is grandstanding and attempting moral high ground in their claims to be pursuing child sex rings, pornography, and international human trafficking, and pulling up only handfuls of alleged pedophiles–bored porn collectors really–and that same agency has no definition of how women can rape kids; no clear profiles, or policies in place that take action against women who procure children for prostitution.

Women have primary, fundamental and fundamentalist access to childrens minds, and if mind control begins anywhere, it begins there.

The FBI are apparently too busy pre-emptively setting up phony child porn links to get to the heart of the matter: women who control children. They are an agency that neither seeks out, nor prosecutes the perpetrators, or the procurers–and only make a show of prosecuting the bottom feeders, instead of going after sharks.

The now widely debunked Jordan Minnesota child sex scandal, the McMartin preschool scandal, the so-called satanic sex abuse cults of the rural Americans; these were easy targets for the FBI, because they helped create them–and even then, they were proven to be part of a bizarre contrived witch hunt; but Franklin, and the Finders?

Yet again, the powerful were able to get away, likely literally, with murder, and the FBI did nothing to stop it, even with the clear and convincing evidence that it WAS real–before the actual investigations.Such an agency has no moral high ground to stand on.

Now,  I am not implying that Michelle Bachmann is a pedophile, though she has often declared her longing and love for children, but just like so many other competitive-birther’s and child collecting women on the left like Angelina Jolie and Madonna, her agenda for kids scares me; and I am not suggesting that there is a conspiracy at all, but the fact is, apparently, powerful women just love kids, anf the FBI has no profile of their capabilities.

I am remembering history, and wondering if anyone else is as creeped out as I am when I make the connection between Republicans and their sordid history with children; especially other peoples children, like runaways, and foster kids, and their connections to local charities and social services that give them access to kids.

That double standard that overlooks the female inter-family dynamic that encouraged Sarah Palin’s daughter to get knocked up; and that womans hypocrisy on sex and family values has Minnesota roots.

There’s just something not quite right in Minnesota, and its women are brewing up some interesting stories.

I hope I am wrong, but Michelle Bachmann is the Republican answer to the caustic female Democrats who created a generation of girls who slather over the idea that rape “does happen, might happen, and could happen,” to little girls and women, but forget how many little boys disappear only to become Jeff Gannons who service Karl Rove’s, and how connected they all are with foster kids and runaways.

The FBI still can’t find Jacob Wetterling, nor have they ever prosecuted or publicly addressed the Finders CIA cult. I guess you can’t grease the government propaganda wheels if boys are victims.

I am being open minded, and speculative; pre-emptively cautious.

And, I am wondering why my internet goes down, or redirects, or times out every time I search for topics like Detroit Police Murder 7-year-old girl, Johnny Gosch/Guckert/Gannon, and Rusty E. Nelson, who was arrested two days after Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide–and especially the hard data about Franklin Credit Union.

Standard issue conspiracy phrases like ‘CIA mind control’ don’t miss a cyber-beat because the CIA were outed years ago with MKULTRA and child sex experiments via Project MONARCH-but ‘CIA sex camps in Svay Pek Cambodia’ causes my system to overclock, and I get the special local ISP message page ‘we couldn’t find what you were looking for’–a dare to look harder, but beware of what “YOU” find there, as if its my fault,or my CIA sex camp.

I get lots of bandwidth if I look up Seinfeld quotes, or download commercially sponsored music videos, but there is always that little problem when I look up off color or off-popular-radar government and police or  FBI “counter-terrorism” directed against Americans; like cowardly investigations against peace activists, like Mick Kelly.

Reality check; O.K., ESPN, MSNBC,etc. load just fine despite the heavy ad content and java script clutter; and the pop-ups direct me to the latest athlete who is banging Madonna’s child-collecting wooden box full of Kabbalah charms, and fresh infotainment on Lady GayGay’s meat pie.

Same old drum beat, different day, beating the pale dead horse; and the byte goes on.

The strangest part is that I write using only public internet access, and that is a really big bunch of dots to try to connect right now. But the lines of history are not, and if you like a good story, try starting your own with “history repeats itself,” but stay away from all that conspiracy, and stick to the facts.

All the facts I have to go on is that Michelle Bachmann loves the children, and especially family-detached foster children; and she appears to be the Republican answer to the excesses of Democratic feminist rhetoric, like Hillary Clintons dubious CIA-backed feminist village, or the late Sheila Wellstone’s hyper-focused anti-male excesses in Minnesota and her denial of women’s violence against children.

There is just something wrong, or questions not getting asked about Minnesota women, because they sure do raise a lot of baby hookers.

I wouldn’t want any of those women around my kids–or yours, despite both parties claims to love,and great desires to act upon that love, with, and  “for the children.”

They might just love them to death, especially if the children are boys.




SlutWalk Raises Awareness of the Need for Therapists, not Cops

In CIA anf Feminism, Police abuse women, Police Personality, Rape Culture, security theater on June 20, 2011 at 11:29 pm

enGendering Rape awareness aim of Sunday’s SlutWalk in Seattle

quotes Rapists don’t go for the prettiest or sexiest or the interestingly dressed. They go… Read more

SlutWalk, the social movement sparked by a Toronto policeman’s comment about rape and dressing provocatively* [ emphasis mine], came to Seattle on Sunday afternoon.

A feisty crowd of chanting, sign-waving, selfdescribed “sluts” marched down Pine Street from Capitol Hill’s Cal Anderson Park to Westlake Center — stopping traffic, confounding tourists and drawing an enthusiastic crowd of onlookers.

Seattle’s event is part of an international series of slutwalks, which got their start earlier this year after a Toronto police officer told a group of women that to avoid being the victims of rape or abuse, they should not dress like sluts.

The suggestion that women are to blame for a rape or sexual violence because of the way they dress has inspired activists to organize walks in Toronto, Boston, Dallas and Ottawa, Ontario. On Saturday, about 200 participants marched in the Spokane SlutWalk. Seattle police estimated about 500 participated in Sunday’s event.

[ notice the photog above featured the one “attractive girl”, instead of the great mass of obese women in attendance–how pimping/ lookist is that? But these women are more open to police/social control, because they seek approval]


* provocatively: to provoke

Slutwalkers Need TheRapists.

I don’t think Slutwalking does a thing for raising awareness about rape or rape culture but it does put female ugliness on display, in more ways than one.

Gone are the days of svelt Playboy bunny and neoCIA agent Gloria Steinem, and in with tattooed manwomen, dorky, cowardly desperate manboys, and the obese–and everyone who agrees with the statement that men deserve what they get if they “provoke” a bully, right?

Wrong. Modern feminists are so estranged from real men that they can only make their appeals to police rape culture, because real men are constantly under violent social pressures of conformity, and isolated from the dialogues.

Don’t think modern feminism is an ugly tool of social control? Take a look yourself at the Seattle Slutwalkers.

As usual, the standard knee-jerks are out in force, blaming rape on men, and encouraging women to have no accountability whatsoever in the perpetuation of rape culture.

That party line is as old as the social troll-hags that started the modern CIA backed feminist movement, with the absence of communist and CIA backed Abzugs, Steinems, Dworkins, and Friedans.

Maybe modern feminism just isn’t Communist enough, or Jewish enough to inspire larger crowds of hopefuls to catch the attention of CIA buy-in; or maybe they aren’t as good looking as they once were, those sexually liberated women of lost ages; or maybe they just bought in themselves.

They sure are Dworkinesque though, in every sense of the word: rotted minds and fallow bodies.

Dworkinesque: coined after Andrea Dworkin(below): women who are fat, mean, sad man-haters who never get any GOOD dick.

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE “Intercourse remains a means, or the means, of physiologically making a woman inferior: communicating to her, cell by cell, her own inferior status . . . pushing and thrusting till she gives in.”

I mean, how would Dworkin know anything about sexual intercourse with a man? And yet her summation of sex has become mantra for these SlutWalkers, and such rhetoric is the fertilizer of growth of the modern American police conglomerate.

Strange contradiction–especially in light of the fact that none of these women seem to care  that there are over 2.3 million American men in jail facing the possibility of being raped daily, both at the hands of “other mothers children,” and the institutions of the police.

Police routinely abuse males (other mothers sons), but women are strangely silent about that, as if men who get abused by police are a mothers dirty secret. And police routinely lock up victims of male on male violence and assault instead of perpetrators, but there still is no outcry against women who employ false rape allegations.

You can’t have your cake and walk it too…

Have you ever seen a more motley and mentally grotesquely shaped group of feminists? It makes me long for the days when feminists were merely CIA operatives warring for control of female sex, and female bodies.

Slutwalk Seattle definitely raised awareness of one thing for sure: ugly people need attention too.

LulzSec – TPB: Just another CIA or FBI Tool?

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, security theater on June 18, 2011 at 12:14 am

LulzSec – TPB.

If I wanted to get the message out there to the simple minded that  ” America is weak to cyber attacks,” then LulzSec, and its latest alleged breaches would be just the right thing.

_.--| LOoZERS or Toolz? |:
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They allegedly hacked the web sites of the CIA and the U.S. Senate, which makes me ask: is LulzSec just another PR flac doing the work of US government disinformation-just another pimple faced bunch of US soldiers within the ranks of PsyOps, hacking away at leads given to it by its superiors?


Tony Bradley from PC world.com says “While I don’t support or condone the actions of LulzSec, or other hacking groups, these early attacks were easy to accept due to the noble vigilantism in them. There was also an assumption–at least by me–that the attacks were complex, and required dedication, and a significant investment of time and effort to stage.

Not to take anything away from the skills of the LulzSec members, but in retrospect I think I may have been giving the network and server security of the targets more credit than it deserved. The relative ease with which LulzSec is taking down sites and compromising data suggests that it is fairly trivial, and that these organizations have little, if any, defense against attack.”

I agree, except that I initially admired what Lulz was doing, but my opinion changed when they did s/th as immature as to hack a mere webpage or two of the people who have hacked away at American freedom since they killed Kennedy.

If LulzSec were just another spook-shadow of the US governments illegal activity designed to drive a propaganda campaign against our privacy rights, it’s working.

After all, they barely make any real difference other than to align themselves lockstep with US government fear mongering and propaganda–and the information LulzSec does get just sucks.

Hacked passwords? You can buy them on line every day. Hacked porn passwords? You gotta be kidding- most porn sites give you passwords or memberships for free. And who spends money on porn anymore? The web is full of free porn–and government redirection and honey-pots attached to that porn.

A real exploit was what Bradley Manning allegedly did. Wikileaks is the ultimate exploit.

Hey Lulz-try to gain access to a database that contains the digital copies of all of the data about the US government and CIA programs of destabilization like MKULTRA, MONARCH, or PAPERCLIP–the good stuff that didn’t get shredded.

If the CIA has tools to hack even one persons mind-as in the Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib torture scandals–or entire nations, like what was done in Viet Nam, or Libya today, that would be the exploit maximus.

But porn passwords, and Sony e-mails? That shit is nearly free[ in case you need it tho], but we citizens have paid dearly for the data in those CIA databases, and we still haven’t hacked our rights to it–or to transparency in government, much less those files of CIA abuses around the world, or the FBI peeking around your doorsteps.

Hey Lulz, if your aim is to enable the US gov’s sneak and peak campaign, your exploit worked-you’re being exploited as we speak.

Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta:

A new Pearl Harbor? The spooks are at it again, warns CIA Chief Leon Panetta.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, security theater, Socialism, on June 15, 2011 at 9:54 pm

The United States is stirring up another world war, says Leon Panetta, speaking in CIA coDE.

And we all remember what happened before WW 2 right? America and Japan were arguing about how to manipulate the East Asian and specifically the Chinese economy, while America waged covert wars to seal up the supply line of opium, the base drug of heroin.

And, the Americans were demonizing the Chinese, and persecuting them in America.

American leaders instigated a world climate that provoked a Japanese attack, and then they waited for it, without warning those poor boys at Pearl Harbor.

Which is why America needs your support to condone the massive abuses of the warrantless wiretap, the roving wiretap, and every other ‘security procedure’ that enables them to spy on Americans’ phone and internet connections.

CIA Chief Leon Panetta: Cyberattack Could Be ‘Next Pearl Harbor’

Panetta Cyberattack Pearl Harbor Defense Secretary

The Huffington Post  Amy Lee  First Posted: 06/13/11 11:38 AM ET Updated: 06/14/11 12:47 AM ET


Appearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee for a confirmation hearing for his appointment as the secretary of defense, Leon Panetta warned that the U.S. could face cyberwarfare in battles to come.

The FBI, the NSA, and all of those other good American organizations cannot win the next war without warring on Americans first, so please support your local police as they peak in your neighbors windows–just stay silent about it, and everything will be o.k. , and especially remember–its not you they are after-yet.

The root of False rape claims, the CIA and Agency-Feminism.

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Rape Culture, security theater on June 14, 2011 at 8:36 pm

Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA.

Roots of the false rape accusation syndrome, and how women enable Rape Culture, an American history lesson .

Real, actual rapes happen, but despite the rhetoric, America as an entity doesn’t care about that. The nation cares instead about how it can manipulate personal, private pain into national financial gain.

First, America was allowed by the international community to get away with the human rights atrocities of the Viet Nam war, because then, in the wake of WW2, we were the ‘do-good’ go-to people; the good guys who beat Hitler.

So international banksters and the military industrial complex took advantage of this international perception, and the CIA created and funded feminists whose dialogues of division seized control of the domestic climate.The government inched closer to American children.

The FBI all too willingly bought into agency- feminist* backed schemes to seize American children, even as the CIA raped children overseas. In current vernacular, theFBI claims a desire to end “child exploitation and human trafficking,” while overlooking, or nodding and winking at the perpetrators of such violence.

This same collusion created the horror of CIA social and sexual experimentation on the people–the men, the women, and especially the children of Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

In other words, the CIA’s rapes of Southeast Asian people, and the fact that they were allowed to get away with it without consequences from the International community, led to the current American domestic war: the FBI hunt for perpetrators of rape in Southeast Asia, but a far more lasting result was achieved: the rape society and its progeny, the rapeology method of social control in America, and internationally.

Child exploitation and trafficking  is a for them, merely another tool of social control, an excercise in propaganda.

Both agencies have missed the real perpetrators, because they are the perpetrators. It is women who have primary access to children, and thus, the values, mores and norms that are established for these children is by the women who birthed them; not least of those ‘norms’ is the childs sexuality.

Modern Feminism embodies the female political body, the object that is and has always been a tool male embodied CIA social control; and such women as Gloria Steinem–an active CIA agent and organizer—worked with the likes of Henry Kissinger to create the false rape society in America, and all of its progeny overseas.

We can see the direct and current link of the CIA, and feminist theory in the prosecution of visionary Julian Assange. His accusers, Ana Ardin and Sofia Wilen are now acknowledged to be in collusion to falsify their testimony about Assange.

Meet Assange’s primary accuser–a CIA operative.

Ardin has also published “a seven step guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends”( google that phrase), whose links have now been removed from the internet-the ENTIRE internet. : Ana Ardin .
She has many active links to the feminist hate groups, the CIA, and CIA operatives, and is now widely recognized as a false rape crier.

The residue of this sort of black collaboration is the voyeur like impulse of the do-gooder society–by now exported all over the world– to ‘seek out’ and lay blame not on America, and its tens of thousands of uncounted rapes of Southeast Asians, but on the men who go there for sex tourism(and women, too, from all over the world).  Blaming men in general–waging war on males.

Worse, for all societies, is that Americas policy of not naming so-called rape victims is akin to a secret process that will lead to secret trials, and secret proceedings everywhere.

Feminism, in its concerned voyeur stance contributes as much or more to current sexual exploitation around the world. Its version of exploitation masquerades as the den mother , or the dirty lesbian gym teacher to the charade of “right posture” in matters of sexuality, while being allowed unfettered access to children.

They then indoctrinate and then pimp those children into “right” attitudes, and “right” ideologies of sexuality–in the American case, the ideology of bartering a womans sliding scale of truth telling against America’s larger objective of controlling the worlds resources and finances.

The CIA used the people as a training ground for sexual shame based social programming, during and after the time US soldiers were there–many if not most of them against their will–and the real crime of that war was how the CIA perpetrated its sexual brainwashing of these Asian people.

The video demonstrates the  after-effects of such a collusion, not the primary status of the culture under attack by US agents of control. Men are shown as panderers, and perverts, women as victims of those men, and children as sex slaves, without mentioning the previous fifty years of US involvement ion the region, or tactics of  CIA creation of sex camps and sexual indoctrination . The reporter-provocateur format of the ‘investigation’ demonstrates the nature of the voyeuristic ‘do-gooders’ who gain access to children through such means.

While the cripplingly vast majority of men never travel to such places, the do-gooder society is extending its reach all over the world, exporting strange American sex experiments overseas, and using such social experiments as foils against insight into the true nature of America.

American agency-feminist women desire getting ever closer to these children–while minimizing rapes perpetrated by the US government, its unchecked CIA, and the portraying the myths that the FBI  is waging war against  human trafficking, or child exploitation. They are all waging war against Americans, and the genie is out of the bottle–or more appropriately, that junk in Pandoras box looks pretty infectious.

* agency feminists are women who claim to be feminists, but are actually FBI or CIA agents provocateurs with sliding scales of morality. They are the psychopathic other halves of state  terror waged against citizens.

The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police on June 14, 2011 at 12:39 am

…is due to be realeased, as the FBI raids privacy rights, and wages war against American Civil Libertie.

My prediction: it will be a barely read or understood text, interpreted roughly by clubfooted and should-have-retired-years-ago second stringer agents and salary strung out adrenalin junkies, just like the old one.

Second prediction: the FBI continues its war against American citizens, but will lose on many fronts if Americans unite to protect their civil rights.

Look at you, sitting there twiddling your thumbs on the anniversary of the release of the Pentagon Papers, while your privacy rights are thrown out the window by the FBI, while they are looking in your windows.

If you thought that the old operations manual of the FBI  demonstrated how willing they are to poke their nose into your butt crack, listen in on you taking a dump while talking to your wife or other business associates; sniff through your garbage, spy on your kids in the shower,feed your dog so it shuts up when they are sneaking around in your yard, and harassing you until you commit crimes, you should read this.

The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I...

According to the New York Times, they have expanded their desire to get into your bank accounts, your little black book, your garage porn stash, talk to your buddies at the bar, or leer at your wife and kids so extensively, that the old operations manual–the one they used to illegally follow peace activists, anti-war activists, and other non-violent citizen- was thrown out the window.

From NY Times:

F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds

WASHINGTON — The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention. [ notice this key phrase that blames victims of FBI harassment for the harassment: “people who have attracted their attention,” as if anyone wants that–a bunch of overpaid, uncreative types drawing conclusions about you to justify their paychecks]

Valerie E. Caproni, FBI genital counsel
photo by Brendan Smialowski for The New York Times

Valerie E. Caproni, the F.B.I. general counsel, said the bureau had carefully considered each change to its operations manual.

The new rules add to several measures taken over the past decade to give agents more latitude as they search for signs of criminal or terrorist activity.


The new, female face of the FBI is just like a prudish, fat old soccer mom gone crazy, with a massive overly compulsive urge to get at the secrets of her pubescent teenaged sons and daughters, while protecting her own dildos in her top dresser drawer.

Only problem is, American citizens aren’t teenagers, despite their sheepish compliance in the face of this form of domestic terror waged by the FBI. But former FBI agents are aware of the extent that the old field manual wasn’t followed.

According to the Times: “Michael German, a former F.B.I. agent who is now a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, argued that it was unwise to further ease restrictions on agents’ power,” because FBI agents are notorious for criminal behavior, and all too eager to falsify, or plant evidence to create a case.

“Claiming additional authorities to investigate people only further raises the potential for abuse,” Mr. German said, pointing to complaints about the bureau’s surveillance of domestic political advocacy groups and mosques and to an inspector general’s findings in 2007 that the F.B.I. had frequently misused “national security letters,”.

The FBI has opened tens of thousands of unsubstantiated investigations of American citizens in the years following 9/11, with a less than a 1% rate of prosecution.

40th Anniversary of the release of the Pentagon Papers

In Uncategorized on June 13, 2011 at 11:35 pm

Forty years ago today—June 13, 1971—the New York Times began publishing the top secret study which came to be known as the Pentagon Papers.

Daniel Ellsberg talked with the AP on the anniversary


The FBI is a fundamental tool of United States global war, allowing illegal wars to foment, and continue, as they are a major tool of the suppression of free speech.

40 years ago, Daniel Ellsberg began a major battle against United States government sponsored terrorism, and won a victory for free speech rights in America, because he was able to show that the United States had become a country ruled by an un-American war machine that lied to the American public via the media, and the president.

The persecution of Ellsberg proved that American police agencies were active in the violation of the rights of world citizens, and responsible for the  oppression that they claimed the Soviets or the Chinese were capable of, as the FBI worked day and night to abrogate the right of the people to see the truth of the shambles that had been made of America by the military-industrial complex.

Julian Assange and the flood of documents released by Wikileaks.org makes Ellsberg’s revalations look like a trickle by comparison.

The United States FBI and the military waged a cyber war against Assange, and his friends had to create mirror sites [Wikileaks.org mirror sites] so that people around the world could see the extent that America violates the rights of people around the world, and the right to speak out against American rape, torture, and deception.

The FBI is instrumental in trying to persecute Assange, and the US has waged a CIA propaganda war against him , going so far as to bribe a woman to claim Assange “raped” her.

Interestingly, that woman has ties to the CIA.

The FBI also tried to bribe Wikileaks team members to make false claims about Assange.

America: land of deception, lies, torture, and hypocrisy?  just a bunch of war criminals with a hypocritical FBI, and with no other country large enought to prosecute them.

Nations of the world, unite against such oppression-they are just a bunch of war criminals with a hypocritical and broken police infrastructure, and FBI, and with no other country large enought to prosecute them.




The FBI suffers from organ inferiority* [part1]

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Resources on June 10, 2011 at 12:35 am

…possibly because their big brother, the CIA, sends them all their leftovers [ and here, and here too]–and their men always get off when they are charged and acquitted for their crimes against humanity.

Fight Rape By the Police Culture

American police, or soldiers,  routinely get off on rape charges.

Here is a video that will help you in case you are attacked by the FBI, or other hyper masculine organs.

<object style=”height: 390px; width: 640px”><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/UvriHtHHPLA?version=3″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></object>

The FBI is intensely focused on the rhetoric of rape, while ignoring the actual rape culture that creates conditions where rape occurs–like having an police agencies full of hyper-masculinized, but closeted, voyeuristic “do-gooders,” who posit that the country is full of “bad men,” while eagerly covering up their own indiscretions, agency wide.

American police culture has seized on the rhetoric of rape culture, and distorted its intention. The politics of rape culture have even been exported overseas–and the FBI even tried to bribe associates of Julian Assange to lie about him, so that the US can invade his privacy even more.

We all need to fight rape, but first we have to understand how police psychology contributes to a rape culture. It begins with hyper-masculinized social rituals, like policing.

Clint Eastwood—a real bad ass film director, is filming a movie about J.Edgar Hoovers affair with a male colleague . But the Corporation seems to underestimate women, women in the organization, and American women’s culpability in crime.

Maybe hyper-vagina envy is what drives the state organ of the FBI to always gets “their man”—likely because the founder of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, was a drag queen , and would stop at nothing to get “his man”. They are so desperate to prove their little secrets.

And they overcompensate for their engendered organizational biases by creating and maintaining the surveillance society, as if the entire organization has internalized and sublimated a mother that believes it has an inherent and noble right to peek into your dresser drawers.

America’s finest want you to stay distracted with bad Weiners in the mass media, just like they do [here,and here also  ], but they want you to think all wieners are bad, FBI gud. That way, all those cunts at the FBI can continue their covert, out-dated back-door plotting and scheming against real Americans.

You don’t hear much about the FBI getting their woman though—or even looking for her–likely because she is working for, or being created by them or their mind bending colleagues at the CIA; she is currently being trained and vetted overseas for importation to the US, as in the case of Iman al-Obeidi, a mouth piece for Americas rape ideology gone wild.

They are just too darn busy chasing down men who don’t suffer from organ inferiority , and when the failure of rape theology–rapeology– doesn’t work to create a boogieman here at home, they create a new war—against two thousand foot tall “cyber-attackers!!!”

First and foremost, America is offering invitation to women from foreign countries whose own country has decided she is a prostitute, or a trouble maker– and her willingness to cry “rape” in propaganda campaigns is the modern equivalent of a passport application to the US, and protection by the state organ of the FBI.

And secondly, the false allegations of rape by American women, combined with FBI and CIA social engineering that hides American culpability in rapes during wartime have cast doubt upon accusations of rape.

Worse, apparently it would just be too darn hard to track down all those rape victims of American soldiers from Viet Nam who now live in the US, so apparently the CIA helped the rape-ideology beleaguered  FBI by creating Iman Al-Obeidi.

Of course, Obeidi will probably make her case on “The View,” and CNN–where she will likely have a romantic reunion with Anderson Cooper( after which she will claim she was raped, no doubt), but where are those shows in their commentary about the rights of the tens of thousands of Iraqi women raped by American soldiers?(more American soldiers raping Iraqi’s: 1, 2)

American soldiers tortured and raped young boys, women and men in Iraq. Why is the FBI still silent about it? They are complicit in it, and they don’t want to hear it, because the way propaganda works is that ” a lie will go around the world a thousand times before the truth wakes up…”

The few American soldiers that have been convicted to harsh prison sentences for raping Iraqi women , seems like the tip of an iceberg that the FBI could investigate, but we will never hear those women’s stories on The View, nor will America willingly allow and encourage them to speak to the press, as Obeidi has.

The American war machine is not excited about the prospect of interviewing or investigating the men, boys, and women of Iraq who were raped by American soldiers and never reported it, or the women who were raped and then summarily murdered by American soldiers.

And the FBI, all so eager to ‘penetrate’ and ‘saturate’ the region and gain ‘valuable information ‘about terrorists in the opening days of the wars is surprisingly still silent about American soldiers raping foreign women.

Just look at the occupation of Korea as an example.

Having husbands, brothers, and children killed, or being raped and coerced by an American soldier; and being violated in an American police action is apparently the price women pay to get to America—just ask any Viet Namese, Cambodian, or Korean woman who came here during those wars.

The price of the fare is silence about American police actions and American rapists, once the get here; not at all unlike the price that any woman “trafficked” to America pays.

The FBI is all too eager to talk about “human trafficking” these days, while failing completely to correct its definitional biases against men which creates the appearance of innocence of American women in these heinous crimes perpetrated overseas.

It makes a laughing stock out of the stories that victims of American wars have to tell. These stories—tens of thousands of them–wouldn’t make US look good, not least of which is because in Arabic countries, merely touching a woman who doesn’t consent is defined as rape, just like it is here in America–much less the rape of their sons.

The difference is that men in America are prosecuted even if the rape charges are false, because the FBI has been flying the false flag of rapeology for years now, and even false convictions drive statistics up, which is good for a state organ that seeks to create the appearance that they are Uber-necessary.

They fed the American woman rape biscuits for the last several decades, and forgot to mention how women can be rapists too; failed to pursue or prosecute false rape accusers, and defined rape so narrowly that only men could be prosecuted–as Salon.com points out.

Perhaps that is because the women of America are Uber-special, like Obeidi: they are, or they are willing to, work within the parameter of a police state engendered paradigm of hypocritical, hyper-selective “justice”.

Perhaps that is due to the fact that the kind of women that America wants to represent aren’t really women at all, but rather they are the Freudian psycopathic “other-halves” to American “strongmen” in an endless cycle of war and death directed at families overseas.

That perverse organizational view destroys  alternative lifestyles in America and encourages false rape allegations by women–as long as they scream out loud, and adhere to the FBI’s male dominated and dominating definitions of rape they are good allies for the FBI domestic war machine, that wages domestic violence on the American people.

Conformity requires that male dominated organizations can form, and then rely on stereotypical visions of women that uphold the violence that those organized men are willing to perpetrate.

The FBI is a propaganda organ that relies on the lie, the half truth, and the manipulation of that truth–and has steadfastly refused to investigate the fact that its version of reality causes much of the suffering abroad, while it wages domestic violence here at home.

They are your Narcissistic, psychotic leaders*,  invading peoples privacy, while espousing noble-sounding rapeology   in their toolkit of social control

The FBI hacks Google

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Supreme Court complicit with police power, Uncategorized on June 7, 2011 at 10:30 pm
Joseph Raymond McCarthy.

Joseph McCarthy,precursor to today's religious fanatics on the Supreme court,and precursor to other non-Patriots like InfraGard Image via Wikipedia

and Google is p*wnded but no one in America seems to care, because the FBI has collaborated with private parties and American media, which has you trained to blame LulzSec , or China for Google’s PR problems .

Beyond the baseline level of bad propaganda and disseminating disinformation  (LulzSec denies that the man arrested for the hack was a member of its organization), the FBI is notorious for breaking in to peoples computers[1 in 4 hackers is an FBI informant], uses hackers to access US citizens e-mails, and kicking down the doors of American citizens, human rights advocates, and peace activists all the time [here ,here  , and everywhere]

Does the FBI control Googles page ranks?


FBI-America wants you to focus instead on how China treats human rights activist Ai Wei Wei, or how Chinese teenagers play around on the internet, and brought down Google.

The FBI even tells you that it is the Chinese military that is hacking Americas infrastructure, and is willing to go to war against them, even though there is evidence that the Chinese military wasn’t responsible , when in fact it was likely a couple of hairdressers.

But what they don’t tell you could have the greatest destructive influence on American society ever: the FBI has, since 1996 been in cahoots with American businesses to destroy your right to privacy.

Undoubtedly, American business is largely controlled by Republicans, and the wealthy, who are willing to sell or barter this nation into oblivion.

The organization responsible for that traitorous collusion with the FBI, and that breach of the threshhold of your home is called IntraGard, and they have been watching you and your internet for years.

The good news is that LulzSec—responsible for hacking Sony, Nintendo, and PBS, has hacked into the Atlanta chapter of InfraGard, and released 180 personal passwords . Here is their login page  in case you have one of those passwords, but be careful–by now it is likely dripping with honey from FBI bees.

InfraGard has long been in collusion with the FBI in order to subvert and destroy your 4th amendment rights against being subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures.

IntraGards method of circumventing the United States Constitution [get one free here ]is relatively simple, and sadly effective.

Any member of IntraGard can at any time, claim that your activity is suspicious, and alert the FBI. The FBI takes information that is essentially stolen from private data bases, or simply takes the word of an IntraGard agent, and their word becomes pretext to investigation.

Joseph McCarthy in his wettest cold-war-porn dream could not have thought up a better way to manipulate the spirit of the law, or circumvent due process than to have a select, pre-vetted group of willing informers to rat on, or help setup US citizens to FBI scrutiny.

These InfraGard cowards are not Minutemen , in the classic sense of United States History.

And they are not modern patriots—they are the hidden face of the looming escalation of covert war on American citizens.

They are truly xenophobic, anti-Americans worked into a froth over the loss of white privilege, and they are willing to take you out to get their version of history written.

IntraGard, Google, and Sony, et al have been hacked by true American patriots who fight against the repressive regime of FBI deception, and misappropriation of the Constitution—even if those patriots seem to be from “overseas”.

Since when did the FBI ever give a shit about human rights? They are proud of their ability to create premises for the criminal conviction of Americans, and the history of the organization is one that routinely breaches all imaginable legal boundaries in its quest to create the appearance of crime.

Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib have proven the willful blindness and incapacity of the FBI in that arena. What moral high ground is left for America to take; what high road is left when the police become the robbers.

All that is left to them is pre-emptive propaganda wars that further oppress freedom in the disguise of cvreating or upholding it. Below is a real-time example of disinformation in action.

Google the phrase “FBI violates Human Rights”, and here is what comes up in the results—FBI pre-emptive propaganda that puts the search term after FBI agenda ( screenshot above). The Chinese might be right when they say that Google is a political tool .

FBI agents are richly rewarded for their efforts too, earning up to 136,000 dollars per year, plus benefits (packages that include full health care, stipends, and extra money for joining “task forces,” like the one that operates the disinformation campaign above.)

My guess is that the highest road we can take is somewhere in resource rich Tibet , which is why America actively harbors dissenters from there, and focuses energy on blathering on about the evils of China.

The real goal of the US in talking about Chinese abuses of power is that the US can gain a foothold into Tibet’s water supply, which effectively takes water away from China.

What could be called a threat to the Chinese is a blessing to Americans who adore religions empty promises, and America began its ideological cyber war with China long before the Chinese figured out that they were under attack.

China has recently called Google a “political tool’ because American businesses jumped on the ‘blame China bandwagon’ when China refused to allow American propaganda into its country, via Google.

China is against hacking as much as we are , but the FBI relentlessly blames them instead of being accountable for or admitting its own hacking exploits.

And suddenly when Google accounts used by Americans who wage cyber-war in China are hacked, the FBI wants to try to take a moral high ground about free speech rights?

They need to work on that here.

Is it mere coincidence that uber-important ally in the fight against “terror” Pakistan sits on the edge of China? A coincidence that America has condoned massive repression there, in a country that has its finger—and its religious fanaticism—plugged into China’s backside?

We doubt it.

More likely, and more true to American form, is that we are creating a pretext for even more, and evermore “pre-emptive war,” which is Americas un-creative default solution to dysfunctional social problems of policing that have spilled over into the world arena .

When all else fails, blame China, who owns a ton of American debt —or look inward at the reason why America is in debt: it can no longer afford or justify its flawed social programming, much less tame its chief propaganda agents quest for inflated, over-blown budgets and phony trumped up justifications of “America being under attack”.

The FBI is the Praetorian Guard of a twilight America, and American citizens are in the Colosseum. A threat to American freedom, and a failing social experiment that needs correction.

But who can police the police?