Justice For-All

Archive for the ‘Profile the Police’ Category

The FBI eats child porn for breakfast–and lunch, and dinner, and while on break.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, security theater on July 12, 2011 at 1:37 am
United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzale...

Hi, remember me? I am Alberto Gonzalez, and I love BDSM and torture photos of 'ethnic men'. And did I mention that the FBI has the largest collection of child porn, dog porn, and war porn on the planet? We watch it, so you don't have to! Image via Wikipedia

“Things I Don’t Want On My Résumé,” part four, revisited.

The dailycaller.com reports on a much under-reported phenomenon amongst police and prosecutor types: they love porn, but even more they like demonizing civilians, and breaking the law while jerking off on the clock–it’s part of the police profile.

“Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Thursday requesting an explanation as to why the Justice Department declined to file charges against a federal prosecutor with child pornography found on his work computer.

The finding against the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) was made by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

According to the Inspector General’s report, the AUSA admitted to spending a significant amount of time each day viewing porn at work.”

Read more

Apparently, war porn, Abu Ghraib torture photos, and images of little boys being f*cked in the ^ss are not enough for them.

Remember former Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and his obsession with pornography?  He was a family values man–as most cops are–who felt that porn was a threat to the family–his own, apparently, but he, like many cop types also seemed to believe that committing perjury was not at all harmful to the kids.

And he once bragged that the FBI has the largest collection of child porn in the world. Curious what cops brag about, isn’t it?

Even more curious that every time the FBI gets involved in ‘combating illegal stuff” the illegal stuff proliferates, and is suddenly everywhere! Even nuclear bomb secrets, if Sibel Edmonds, former FBI agent is to be believed.

The FBI itself seems to feel that minimization of crimes and perjury by its agents is a major tool in the fight against the bad peeple, and at the time of Gonzalez’ perjury, which was covered-up by current FBI czar Robert S. Mueller the tird,  the FBI priorities were sort of lax on FBI and other rampant police corruption.

Mueller et al were just too busy chasing down terrorists, and orchestrating the dissemination of dog-f*cking porn to prosecute Gonzalez.

The Washington Post, noted at the time when the FBI kicked off its distribution and dissemination of illicit porn initiatives in 2005, that public corruption wasn’t even on the FBI radar of prosecutable crime.

It was officially, [.] fourth on the FBI’s priority list, after protecting the United States from terrorist attack, foreign espionage and cyber-based attacks. Just below those priorities are civil rights, organized crime, white-collar crime and “significant violent crime.” The guidance from headquarters does not mention where pornography fits in.”

I guess it depends on your point of view–after all, Alberto probably lied when his kids asked him about his porn obsession.He also likely lied about his enjoyment of BDSM.

And Alberto himself stated that he had ” nothing to hide,” before perjuring himself over the firing of 9 U.S. Attorney, and wiretapping fraud. And we all know how cops feel when someone has “nothing to hide,” right?

So there is little surprise when we hear of yet another cop caught loooking at porn, and kiddie porn–after all, we know how much the police want to love YOUR daughters.

Arm yourself against police intrusions…

In Police Hack Privacy, Profile the Police, Resources for victims of police misconduct on July 9, 2011 at 12:09 am

Hacking tools are not black magic tricks, but they are the weapons police are using against us every day. So take up arms against the police with hacking tools.

Police are by their very nature, hungry to invade YOUR privacy, and your daughters privacy, while maintaining their own at all costs. They hate nothing more than citizens who value personal privacy rights, because in a cops mind, wanting privacy equates with ‘hiding something,’ which is why after they devour your privacy, they scoot off to the anonymity of the suburbs.

And cops talk to each other in weird cop languages (see video below). So we NEED privacy from the alien, alienating and cretinous police gaze.

In layman’s terms, cops are the bathroom door peepers, and the butt-sniffers in the herd. It’s part of the police profile.Your ass is there business. So protect your privacy proactively–before they and their fearless leaders take it away forever, because once you are on their TI list you are f*cked.

Hackers and hacktivists are helping enable freedom all over the world by fighting against the U.S. corporate and  police takeover of the world, but not all of us want to learn hacking. ( but if you do, here is the basic hackers toolkit


Of course, using a Macintosh computer is your best bet to avoid the average hackers, but cops have learned to hack Macs, too. In fact, the last two cops who tailed me were both on Macs ( full story at 9)!

And learning Linux basic programming or  telnet  is definitely something you want to do if hacking interests you.

But privacy is in all of our interest, and more than any other Constitutional right, it is under attack. Why? Because it isn’t actually a right at all! Don’t believe me? Then it’s time for you to get a copy of the U.S. Constitution–and find out what else ISN’T in there.

Here are the weapons you need to arm yourself against the police who are increasingly hacking into our lives, our phonesd, our childrens lives and our homes, while sneaking off to their own homes, hiding away from the rest of us, anonymously.

Free Weapons to Fight The Police: freeware internet privacy tools for Windows based pc’s.  I am using the old linking method of cut and paste to preserve the links.

“What is Tor?  https://www.torproject.org/

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis” Tor is the leading privacy tool in the world–even cops use it to become anonymous online, especially when they are chatting with underaged teen girls and boys online!

USB programs and live disks Live disks:


are bootable CD‘s and bootable USB drives that can let you run your computer, or another computer without leaving any traces on your hard drive!

4 Free Tools To Create Bootable Windows 7/Vista/XP USB Flash Pen Drives

They are the ultimate in keeping ass-crack sniffing US intelligence agencies from peeking into your daughters bathroom keyhole. You can actually build your own live CD if you have the time and the knowledge.

UBCD for Windows is a good start: here is the old version http://www.ubcd4win.com/ubcd.htm, which is better, and built without all the proprietary hassles. Here is the new version which is good, and full of AMAZING tools  http://www.ubcd4win.com/

Packet sniffers: packets are little datagrams, or ‘packages’ that are sent from one computer to another that tell each computer what the other is asking for, needing, or wanting. The problem is that packets contain information that cops and bad guys use to  redirect your web-surfing, re-route your connection to malware infested, or illegal sites, or loosen the hinges to your computers security, and gain control of your computer.

Packet sniffing helps tell you what they are sending you, especially ifthey are attacking you. Wireshark isn’t just a tool, it is an art, but it takes time to understand how to use it.


If you don’t have the time to learn about who is attacking you, try a simpler packet sniffer likeEther Detect


Mac address changers: Your MAC address is the equivalent of  the address on your mail box. Criminals and snoops at US intelligence agencies, the Russian mob, and other bad guys use your MAC to locate you on a network, and victimize you and your computer, like teenagers pissing in, or smashing your mailbox.

A MAC changer changes your address so that one minute you are at home, the next, across town  with a different address, and those bad kids are whacking away at a phantom mailbox.



IP tracers:  give you the address of your attacker  http://free-ip-tracer.findmysoft.com/

Visual IP Trace  can find the graphic location of a computer in particular or detect the point of origin of an attack with malicious codes. Also has a packet sniffer function. 15 day free trial


These tools are worth the time to use, if for no other reason that police are attacking the notion of privacy–and if everyone valued it, then every cyber snooping pig would have an overload of leads to follow–because, remember kids–“if you value privacy, you MUST have something to hide!”Which is why the police need access to your children.

[ this has been a public service announcement from Officer Smiley]

TSA denies having required old woman to remove diaper, but admits it is attracted to the idea anyways.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Profile the Police, Smart Phone Apps help protect you from police on June 28, 2011 at 12:05 am

TSA denies having required a 95-year-old woman to remove diaper – CNN.com.


American police paramilitaries are at it again–this time, they are peeling into 95-year-old women’s diapers instead of children’s, or getting off on raping women [ here, here, and everywhere you look these days].

Predatory voyeurism is integral to the modern police personality, which uses the euphemism “surveillance” to legitimate their unhealthy impulses. Maybe it’s time to police the police, and phone apps might just be the right way to begin that process.

And Citizen Media can help save you from police abuses , says Open Watch, an organization dedicated to using new media to the rampant post 9/11 police corruption.

Like I said before, American police, FBI, etc. want to get into your babies diapers, and they want access to your daughters, but this is a new low, even for the TSA, which is a notoriously invasive agency when it comes to personal privacy.

The TSA can’t find bomb parts, in their complex role in Americas security theater, but they found grandmas pee-stains just fine. Typical cop maneuver–missing the big fish, and muddying the water for a real catch.

The whole TSA invasion of the American body is one of Americas latest attempts to indoctrinate citizens into a two tiered class system wherein privileged people ( the wealthy) can negotiate or outright purchase their privacy right, while commoners must endure full body contact with police types, and daily invasions by police–who seldom police their own kind, or police the wealthy.

Anyone who has ever endured that is familiar with the lingering stench that cop-aftershave leaves in the nostrils, and worse, lingering memories of being fondled by a breed of half-wits who use badges and pistol power instead of intellect to ‘reach out’ and touch others.

After all these heroes are “just doing their job,” right?

When will America get tired of hearing that old trope? If cops did their jobs, we would have a whole lot more cops in jail.

The best way that you can capture and preserve evidence of police or police para-military agency abuse is to have a cellphone, a sound recording device or another capture device handy at all times, according to Salon.com.

Police hate being watched, and are actively lobbying for exceptions against being photographed or recorded while performing ‘official’ duties–like peeking in old ladies diapers.

So citizens are fighting back against the stacked deck of police power and corruption that falsifies testimony from the start.

 CopRecorder, a smart phone app lets you record what cops are up  to and then upload your evidence to the internet without giving away the fact that you are recording, because cops routinely obstruct citizen investigation by smashing cameras, deleting images from cameras, and stealing cameras.

And cops hate getting caught in the act, and are developing a paranoia against  the apps.

Here is an incredible story of a reverse sting on a typically corrupt cop, wherein a racially profiled Asian male ( a lawyer) used CopRecorder to document police manipulation of evidence.

Photograph the police, record the police, and prosecute the police before its too late. And besides, we all love apps–even grandmas.

The root of False rape claims, the CIA and Agency-Feminism.

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Rape Culture, security theater on June 14, 2011 at 8:36 pm

Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA.

Roots of the false rape accusation syndrome, and how women enable Rape Culture, an American history lesson .

Real, actual rapes happen, but despite the rhetoric, America as an entity doesn’t care about that. The nation cares instead about how it can manipulate personal, private pain into national financial gain.

First, America was allowed by the international community to get away with the human rights atrocities of the Viet Nam war, because then, in the wake of WW2, we were the ‘do-good’ go-to people; the good guys who beat Hitler.

So international banksters and the military industrial complex took advantage of this international perception, and the CIA created and funded feminists whose dialogues of division seized control of the domestic climate.The government inched closer to American children.

The FBI all too willingly bought into agency- feminist* backed schemes to seize American children, even as the CIA raped children overseas. In current vernacular, theFBI claims a desire to end “child exploitation and human trafficking,” while overlooking, or nodding and winking at the perpetrators of such violence.

This same collusion created the horror of CIA social and sexual experimentation on the people–the men, the women, and especially the children of Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

In other words, the CIA’s rapes of Southeast Asian people, and the fact that they were allowed to get away with it without consequences from the International community, led to the current American domestic war: the FBI hunt for perpetrators of rape in Southeast Asia, but a far more lasting result was achieved: the rape society and its progeny, the rapeology method of social control in America, and internationally.

Child exploitation and trafficking  is a for them, merely another tool of social control, an excercise in propaganda.

Both agencies have missed the real perpetrators, because they are the perpetrators. It is women who have primary access to children, and thus, the values, mores and norms that are established for these children is by the women who birthed them; not least of those ‘norms’ is the childs sexuality.

Modern Feminism embodies the female political body, the object that is and has always been a tool male embodied CIA social control; and such women as Gloria Steinem–an active CIA agent and organizer—worked with the likes of Henry Kissinger to create the false rape society in America, and all of its progeny overseas.

We can see the direct and current link of the CIA, and feminist theory in the prosecution of visionary Julian Assange. His accusers, Ana Ardin and Sofia Wilen are now acknowledged to be in collusion to falsify their testimony about Assange.

Meet Assange’s primary accuser–a CIA operative.

Ardin has also published “a seven step guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends”( google that phrase), whose links have now been removed from the internet-the ENTIRE internet. : Ana Ardin .
She has many active links to the feminist hate groups, the CIA, and CIA operatives, and is now widely recognized as a false rape crier.

The residue of this sort of black collaboration is the voyeur like impulse of the do-gooder society–by now exported all over the world– to ‘seek out’ and lay blame not on America, and its tens of thousands of uncounted rapes of Southeast Asians, but on the men who go there for sex tourism(and women, too, from all over the world).  Blaming men in general–waging war on males.

Worse, for all societies, is that Americas policy of not naming so-called rape victims is akin to a secret process that will lead to secret trials, and secret proceedings everywhere.

Feminism, in its concerned voyeur stance contributes as much or more to current sexual exploitation around the world. Its version of exploitation masquerades as the den mother , or the dirty lesbian gym teacher to the charade of “right posture” in matters of sexuality, while being allowed unfettered access to children.

They then indoctrinate and then pimp those children into “right” attitudes, and “right” ideologies of sexuality–in the American case, the ideology of bartering a womans sliding scale of truth telling against America’s larger objective of controlling the worlds resources and finances.

The CIA used the people as a training ground for sexual shame based social programming, during and after the time US soldiers were there–many if not most of them against their will–and the real crime of that war was how the CIA perpetrated its sexual brainwashing of these Asian people.

The video demonstrates the  after-effects of such a collusion, not the primary status of the culture under attack by US agents of control. Men are shown as panderers, and perverts, women as victims of those men, and children as sex slaves, without mentioning the previous fifty years of US involvement ion the region, or tactics of  CIA creation of sex camps and sexual indoctrination . The reporter-provocateur format of the ‘investigation’ demonstrates the nature of the voyeuristic ‘do-gooders’ who gain access to children through such means.

While the cripplingly vast majority of men never travel to such places, the do-gooder society is extending its reach all over the world, exporting strange American sex experiments overseas, and using such social experiments as foils against insight into the true nature of America.

American agency-feminist women desire getting ever closer to these children–while minimizing rapes perpetrated by the US government, its unchecked CIA, and the portraying the myths that the FBI  is waging war against  human trafficking, or child exploitation. They are all waging war against Americans, and the genie is out of the bottle–or more appropriately, that junk in Pandoras box looks pretty infectious.

* agency feminists are women who claim to be feminists, but are actually FBI or CIA agents provocateurs with sliding scales of morality. They are the psychopathic other halves of state  terror waged against citizens.

The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I.

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police on June 14, 2011 at 12:39 am

…is due to be realeased, as the FBI raids privacy rights, and wages war against American Civil Libertie.

My prediction: it will be a barely read or understood text, interpreted roughly by clubfooted and should-have-retired-years-ago second stringer agents and salary strung out adrenalin junkies, just like the old one.

Second prediction: the FBI continues its war against American citizens, but will lose on many fronts if Americans unite to protect their civil rights.

Look at you, sitting there twiddling your thumbs on the anniversary of the release of the Pentagon Papers, while your privacy rights are thrown out the window by the FBI, while they are looking in your windows.

If you thought that the old operations manual of the FBI  demonstrated how willing they are to poke their nose into your butt crack, listen in on you taking a dump while talking to your wife or other business associates; sniff through your garbage, spy on your kids in the shower,feed your dog so it shuts up when they are sneaking around in your yard, and harassing you until you commit crimes, you should read this.

The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I...

According to the New York Times, they have expanded their desire to get into your bank accounts, your little black book, your garage porn stash, talk to your buddies at the bar, or leer at your wife and kids so extensively, that the old operations manual–the one they used to illegally follow peace activists, anti-war activists, and other non-violent citizen- was thrown out the window.

From NY Times:

F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds

WASHINGTON — The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention. [ notice this key phrase that blames victims of FBI harassment for the harassment: “people who have attracted their attention,” as if anyone wants that–a bunch of overpaid, uncreative types drawing conclusions about you to justify their paychecks]

Valerie E. Caproni, FBI genital counsel
photo by Brendan Smialowski for The New York Times

Valerie E. Caproni, the F.B.I. general counsel, said the bureau had carefully considered each change to its operations manual.

The new rules add to several measures taken over the past decade to give agents more latitude as they search for signs of criminal or terrorist activity.


The new, female face of the FBI is just like a prudish, fat old soccer mom gone crazy, with a massive overly compulsive urge to get at the secrets of her pubescent teenaged sons and daughters, while protecting her own dildos in her top dresser drawer.

Only problem is, American citizens aren’t teenagers, despite their sheepish compliance in the face of this form of domestic terror waged by the FBI. But former FBI agents are aware of the extent that the old field manual wasn’t followed.

According to the Times: “Michael German, a former F.B.I. agent who is now a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, argued that it was unwise to further ease restrictions on agents’ power,” because FBI agents are notorious for criminal behavior, and all too eager to falsify, or plant evidence to create a case.

“Claiming additional authorities to investigate people only further raises the potential for abuse,” Mr. German said, pointing to complaints about the bureau’s surveillance of domestic political advocacy groups and mosques and to an inspector general’s findings in 2007 that the F.B.I. had frequently misused “national security letters,”.

The FBI has opened tens of thousands of unsubstantiated investigations of American citizens in the years following 9/11, with a less than a 1% rate of prosecution.

The FBI suffers from organ inferiority* [part1]

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Resources on June 10, 2011 at 12:35 am

…possibly because their big brother, the CIA, sends them all their leftovers [ and here, and here too]–and their men always get off when they are charged and acquitted for their crimes against humanity.

Fight Rape By the Police Culture

American police, or soldiers,  routinely get off on rape charges.

Here is a video that will help you in case you are attacked by the FBI, or other hyper masculine organs.

<object style=”height: 390px; width: 640px”><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/UvriHtHHPLA?version=3″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></object>

The FBI is intensely focused on the rhetoric of rape, while ignoring the actual rape culture that creates conditions where rape occurs–like having an police agencies full of hyper-masculinized, but closeted, voyeuristic “do-gooders,” who posit that the country is full of “bad men,” while eagerly covering up their own indiscretions, agency wide.

American police culture has seized on the rhetoric of rape culture, and distorted its intention. The politics of rape culture have even been exported overseas–and the FBI even tried to bribe associates of Julian Assange to lie about him, so that the US can invade his privacy even more.

We all need to fight rape, but first we have to understand how police psychology contributes to a rape culture. It begins with hyper-masculinized social rituals, like policing.

Clint Eastwood—a real bad ass film director, is filming a movie about J.Edgar Hoovers affair with a male colleague . But the Corporation seems to underestimate women, women in the organization, and American women’s culpability in crime.

Maybe hyper-vagina envy is what drives the state organ of the FBI to always gets “their man”—likely because the founder of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, was a drag queen , and would stop at nothing to get “his man”. They are so desperate to prove their little secrets.

And they overcompensate for their engendered organizational biases by creating and maintaining the surveillance society, as if the entire organization has internalized and sublimated a mother that believes it has an inherent and noble right to peek into your dresser drawers.

America’s finest want you to stay distracted with bad Weiners in the mass media, just like they do [here,and here also  ], but they want you to think all wieners are bad, FBI gud. That way, all those cunts at the FBI can continue their covert, out-dated back-door plotting and scheming against real Americans.

You don’t hear much about the FBI getting their woman though—or even looking for her–likely because she is working for, or being created by them or their mind bending colleagues at the CIA; she is currently being trained and vetted overseas for importation to the US, as in the case of Iman al-Obeidi, a mouth piece for Americas rape ideology gone wild.

They are just too darn busy chasing down men who don’t suffer from organ inferiority , and when the failure of rape theology–rapeology– doesn’t work to create a boogieman here at home, they create a new war—against two thousand foot tall “cyber-attackers!!!”

First and foremost, America is offering invitation to women from foreign countries whose own country has decided she is a prostitute, or a trouble maker– and her willingness to cry “rape” in propaganda campaigns is the modern equivalent of a passport application to the US, and protection by the state organ of the FBI.

And secondly, the false allegations of rape by American women, combined with FBI and CIA social engineering that hides American culpability in rapes during wartime have cast doubt upon accusations of rape.

Worse, apparently it would just be too darn hard to track down all those rape victims of American soldiers from Viet Nam who now live in the US, so apparently the CIA helped the rape-ideology beleaguered  FBI by creating Iman Al-Obeidi.

Of course, Obeidi will probably make her case on “The View,” and CNN–where she will likely have a romantic reunion with Anderson Cooper( after which she will claim she was raped, no doubt), but where are those shows in their commentary about the rights of the tens of thousands of Iraqi women raped by American soldiers?(more American soldiers raping Iraqi’s: 1, 2)

American soldiers tortured and raped young boys, women and men in Iraq. Why is the FBI still silent about it? They are complicit in it, and they don’t want to hear it, because the way propaganda works is that ” a lie will go around the world a thousand times before the truth wakes up…”

The few American soldiers that have been convicted to harsh prison sentences for raping Iraqi women , seems like the tip of an iceberg that the FBI could investigate, but we will never hear those women’s stories on The View, nor will America willingly allow and encourage them to speak to the press, as Obeidi has.

The American war machine is not excited about the prospect of interviewing or investigating the men, boys, and women of Iraq who were raped by American soldiers and never reported it, or the women who were raped and then summarily murdered by American soldiers.

And the FBI, all so eager to ‘penetrate’ and ‘saturate’ the region and gain ‘valuable information ‘about terrorists in the opening days of the wars is surprisingly still silent about American soldiers raping foreign women.

Just look at the occupation of Korea as an example.

Having husbands, brothers, and children killed, or being raped and coerced by an American soldier; and being violated in an American police action is apparently the price women pay to get to America—just ask any Viet Namese, Cambodian, or Korean woman who came here during those wars.

The price of the fare is silence about American police actions and American rapists, once the get here; not at all unlike the price that any woman “trafficked” to America pays.

The FBI is all too eager to talk about “human trafficking” these days, while failing completely to correct its definitional biases against men which creates the appearance of innocence of American women in these heinous crimes perpetrated overseas.

It makes a laughing stock out of the stories that victims of American wars have to tell. These stories—tens of thousands of them–wouldn’t make US look good, not least of which is because in Arabic countries, merely touching a woman who doesn’t consent is defined as rape, just like it is here in America–much less the rape of their sons.

The difference is that men in America are prosecuted even if the rape charges are false, because the FBI has been flying the false flag of rapeology for years now, and even false convictions drive statistics up, which is good for a state organ that seeks to create the appearance that they are Uber-necessary.

They fed the American woman rape biscuits for the last several decades, and forgot to mention how women can be rapists too; failed to pursue or prosecute false rape accusers, and defined rape so narrowly that only men could be prosecuted–as Salon.com points out.

Perhaps that is because the women of America are Uber-special, like Obeidi: they are, or they are willing to, work within the parameter of a police state engendered paradigm of hypocritical, hyper-selective “justice”.

Perhaps that is due to the fact that the kind of women that America wants to represent aren’t really women at all, but rather they are the Freudian psycopathic “other-halves” to American “strongmen” in an endless cycle of war and death directed at families overseas.

That perverse organizational view destroys  alternative lifestyles in America and encourages false rape allegations by women–as long as they scream out loud, and adhere to the FBI’s male dominated and dominating definitions of rape they are good allies for the FBI domestic war machine, that wages domestic violence on the American people.

Conformity requires that male dominated organizations can form, and then rely on stereotypical visions of women that uphold the violence that those organized men are willing to perpetrate.

The FBI is a propaganda organ that relies on the lie, the half truth, and the manipulation of that truth–and has steadfastly refused to investigate the fact that its version of reality causes much of the suffering abroad, while it wages domestic violence here at home.

They are your Narcissistic, psychotic leaders*,  invading peoples privacy, while espousing noble-sounding rapeology   in their toolkit of social control

The FBI hacks Google

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Supreme Court complicit with police power, Uncategorized on June 7, 2011 at 10:30 pm
Joseph Raymond McCarthy.

Joseph McCarthy,precursor to today's religious fanatics on the Supreme court,and precursor to other non-Patriots like InfraGard Image via Wikipedia

and Google is p*wnded but no one in America seems to care, because the FBI has collaborated with private parties and American media, which has you trained to blame LulzSec , or China for Google’s PR problems .

Beyond the baseline level of bad propaganda and disseminating disinformation  (LulzSec denies that the man arrested for the hack was a member of its organization), the FBI is notorious for breaking in to peoples computers[1 in 4 hackers is an FBI informant], uses hackers to access US citizens e-mails, and kicking down the doors of American citizens, human rights advocates, and peace activists all the time [here ,here  , and everywhere]

Does the FBI control Googles page ranks?


FBI-America wants you to focus instead on how China treats human rights activist Ai Wei Wei, or how Chinese teenagers play around on the internet, and brought down Google.

The FBI even tells you that it is the Chinese military that is hacking Americas infrastructure, and is willing to go to war against them, even though there is evidence that the Chinese military wasn’t responsible , when in fact it was likely a couple of hairdressers.

But what they don’t tell you could have the greatest destructive influence on American society ever: the FBI has, since 1996 been in cahoots with American businesses to destroy your right to privacy.

Undoubtedly, American business is largely controlled by Republicans, and the wealthy, who are willing to sell or barter this nation into oblivion.

The organization responsible for that traitorous collusion with the FBI, and that breach of the threshhold of your home is called IntraGard, and they have been watching you and your internet for years.

The good news is that LulzSec—responsible for hacking Sony, Nintendo, and PBS, has hacked into the Atlanta chapter of InfraGard, and released 180 personal passwords . Here is their login page  in case you have one of those passwords, but be careful–by now it is likely dripping with honey from FBI bees.

InfraGard has long been in collusion with the FBI in order to subvert and destroy your 4th amendment rights against being subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures.

IntraGards method of circumventing the United States Constitution [get one free here ]is relatively simple, and sadly effective.

Any member of IntraGard can at any time, claim that your activity is suspicious, and alert the FBI. The FBI takes information that is essentially stolen from private data bases, or simply takes the word of an IntraGard agent, and their word becomes pretext to investigation.

Joseph McCarthy in his wettest cold-war-porn dream could not have thought up a better way to manipulate the spirit of the law, or circumvent due process than to have a select, pre-vetted group of willing informers to rat on, or help setup US citizens to FBI scrutiny.

These InfraGard cowards are not Minutemen , in the classic sense of United States History.

And they are not modern patriots—they are the hidden face of the looming escalation of covert war on American citizens.

They are truly xenophobic, anti-Americans worked into a froth over the loss of white privilege, and they are willing to take you out to get their version of history written.

IntraGard, Google, and Sony, et al have been hacked by true American patriots who fight against the repressive regime of FBI deception, and misappropriation of the Constitution—even if those patriots seem to be from “overseas”.

Since when did the FBI ever give a shit about human rights? They are proud of their ability to create premises for the criminal conviction of Americans, and the history of the organization is one that routinely breaches all imaginable legal boundaries in its quest to create the appearance of crime.

Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib have proven the willful blindness and incapacity of the FBI in that arena. What moral high ground is left for America to take; what high road is left when the police become the robbers.

All that is left to them is pre-emptive propaganda wars that further oppress freedom in the disguise of cvreating or upholding it. Below is a real-time example of disinformation in action.

Google the phrase “FBI violates Human Rights”, and here is what comes up in the results—FBI pre-emptive propaganda that puts the search term after FBI agenda ( screenshot above). The Chinese might be right when they say that Google is a political tool .

FBI agents are richly rewarded for their efforts too, earning up to 136,000 dollars per year, plus benefits (packages that include full health care, stipends, and extra money for joining “task forces,” like the one that operates the disinformation campaign above.)

My guess is that the highest road we can take is somewhere in resource rich Tibet , which is why America actively harbors dissenters from there, and focuses energy on blathering on about the evils of China.

The real goal of the US in talking about Chinese abuses of power is that the US can gain a foothold into Tibet’s water supply, which effectively takes water away from China.

What could be called a threat to the Chinese is a blessing to Americans who adore religions empty promises, and America began its ideological cyber war with China long before the Chinese figured out that they were under attack.

China has recently called Google a “political tool’ because American businesses jumped on the ‘blame China bandwagon’ when China refused to allow American propaganda into its country, via Google.

China is against hacking as much as we are , but the FBI relentlessly blames them instead of being accountable for or admitting its own hacking exploits.

And suddenly when Google accounts used by Americans who wage cyber-war in China are hacked, the FBI wants to try to take a moral high ground about free speech rights?

They need to work on that here.

Is it mere coincidence that uber-important ally in the fight against “terror” Pakistan sits on the edge of China? A coincidence that America has condoned massive repression there, in a country that has its finger—and its religious fanaticism—plugged into China’s backside?

We doubt it.

More likely, and more true to American form, is that we are creating a pretext for even more, and evermore “pre-emptive war,” which is Americas un-creative default solution to dysfunctional social problems of policing that have spilled over into the world arena .

When all else fails, blame China, who owns a ton of American debt —or look inward at the reason why America is in debt: it can no longer afford or justify its flawed social programming, much less tame its chief propaganda agents quest for inflated, over-blown budgets and phony trumped up justifications of “America being under attack”.

The FBI is the Praetorian Guard of a twilight America, and American citizens are in the Colosseum. A threat to American freedom, and a failing social experiment that needs correction.

But who can police the police?

American Police cover up murder

In Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police destroy and createevidence, Police Hack Privacy, Police Personality, Profile the Police on June 2, 2011 at 8:22 pm

and seldom do the victims of police homicide pose an actual threat,which marks a trend towards more homicide committed by American police .

dirty pigs

former police chief Mathew Nestor convicted

American police get off on murder, even though once in awhile they get convicted.

Police target minorities and individuals who stand out or stand alone from a crowd, and in this case, police covered up the fact that a Mexican man, Luis Ramírez, 25, was fatally beaten in 2008 in Shenandoah PA.

Ramirez had been beaten to death by a gang of white kids, and the police chief covered it up.

Police Chief Mathew Nestor got caught hiding evidence, and “Prosecutors accused Mr.Nestor of misdirecting the federal investigation into Mr. Ramirez death by omitting the names of the suspects from a police report” among other things.

As usual, Federal Prosecutors gave him a light sentence, as is the pattern in cases of prosecutors who pursue police criminals. In the rare hour when police are actually prosecuted for their crimes, prosecutors  rarely sentence them to hard time, and cops get off with a slap of the prosecutors hand.

Prosecutors tend to consider police as an element of “good” in society, and thus are prone to believe that the crimes that police are found guilty of are isolated incidents, rather than lifelong patterns of criminal behavior.

However, even the most minor, and harmless incidents of citizens being brave enough to retaliate, or fight back against corrupt cops is prosecuted to the fullest.

Despite the fact that the police personality is psychopathic, prosecutors themselves embody similar mental disorders, as well as exhibit anti-social traits. So, Nestor got 13 months in prison, although a pre-sentencing report by probation officials had recommended 57 to 71 months.

American police are corrupt, and seldom get prosecuted, because like a gang,they stick together at the expense of following or upholding the law.

Police even try to get into the wombs of celebrities, as Sarah Jessica Parker found out a couple years back, in sexually repressed and god-feerin’ Ohio.

Martins Ferry Police Chief Barry Carpenter had stolen documents from the surrogate mother of Parker’s baby, and “along with another police chief, was accused of meeting with freelance photographers  and offering items such as a poem, photos, legal documents about the surrogacy agreement, and pictures of ultrasounds. A photographer alerted the surrogacy agency, which reported the thefts to police.”

Police abuse women all the time and  contribute largely to drug and human trafficking, but it is rare when they get prosecuted trying to peek into the womb of a celebrity.

They steal things all the time, as well as manipulate or destroy evidence, or as in this case, try to sell the evidence to the highest bidder–after they invaded the privacy of the surrogate and Ms. Parker.

American Police will stop at nothing to get into the private lives of ordinary citizens, and it is refreshing when a celebrity case of criminal police conduct comes to light. Probably not as refreshing to know that this is the nature of the police personality in America.

American Police want to fuck your daughters

In Freud and the Police, Police abuse women, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Uncategorized on June 2, 2011 at 12:31 am

America wants access to your daughters

…and if they can’t do that, they have all kinds of ways to touch them, feel them up, or tickle their minds—and yours too, not least of which is to claim that women overseas need their veils lifted.

Whereas Egyptian military and police even perform virginity checks by peering into young women’s vaginas, here in America, we still rely on the mechanisms of police infrastructure, and Child Protective Services virginity rituals, like forcing children into contact with the anatomically correct doll, which routinely leads to false positives of child abuse.

So, it appears that police around the world are catching on the techniques of social control that American police have used for years.

CNN reports that Egyptian military police not only performed virginity tests on young women protesters, but that they did it for their own good.

“The [un-named] general went on to insist that the tests were necessary because “we didn’t want (the women) to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove they weren’t virgins in the first place.” the military denied the accusations, but in the past few days, a senior general has confirmed to CNN that indeed, the virginity tests happened.

The general justified the abuse by saying these women “were not like your daughter or mine. These were girls who had camped out in tents with male protesters.”

Even though the Egyptians are still a bit more transparent than American police, the tactic is the same: victimize dissenters ( and their parents)or the under classes, blame the victims, cast a shadow of doubt by implying “these people are not like you or me”, and then backpedal and do damage control in the press.

Sounds a bit like the CIA’s pet project, the MKULTRA descendant of the “child abuse witch hunts” of America in the 1980’s.

American Police and social workers kidnap American kids all the time.

American police act within the agency of Child Protective Services to steal American children  and then ritually rape them with MKULTRA-like processes of brainwashing, experiential sublimation, and ritualized shaming of their actual parents.

And when they discovered some success with that means of social control, they exported mind control and rape ideology overseas.

“The CPS steals children using the system paid for by citizens who believe it is being used to protect those in need. That is a fraud; the system actually pumps money into the personal accounts of all those involved in the system, converting children into cash while destroying them and their families.The number of children who emerge from the system, able to function normally, are near zero. Some are never seen again.”

American Social workers kidnap children[ here, and here]   and American religious fanatics like Michelle Bachman adopt them, or “take them in” to foster care, inserting their ideology into traumatized children. Michelle Bachman and others like her also get paid to “foster” children.

(foster care paycheck amounts for Minnesota could not be found in the official record, but in California, for each foster child placed in your home, you will receive a foster care reimbursement …from $446 to $ 667 per , “ and special needs kids pay out at $84.00 or $169.00 per month higher.)

Michelle Bachman also gets paid state dollars and uses them to brainwash vulnerable people with Christian fundamentalist brainwashing. 

Despite Americas propaganda machine whitewashing the kidnap of American children, Americans are no strangers to lifting Islamic womens veils either.

Remember this headline, from 2001, when America began its invasion plan of Iraq, instead of finding Osama?

I do. “Lifting the Veil on What Afghan Women Really want.”

That headline and its variations has been the voyeuristic call to arms ever since, and it appears that as the Western media focuses on eastern peoples, our own military men and women are craving access to virginity cloaked in noble sounding phrases of liberation.

It’s as if Americas whole inward repression of sexuality, and CIA initiated sexual experimentation resulted in a sort of mechanized, ritualized, and fetishist objectification of women overseas–as if western women’s sexuality has dried into a prune-state, and they seek to lift veils of women elsewhere.

Americas military, in sync with international financiers, and CIA cultural control planning, is just the tool to get that job done, too: they start with your daughters.

US and western backed policy has led to 2 million rapes, and 6 million deaths in the Congo in recent years, according to some sources, and some fancy math.

That is no small estimate, either, because it comes from a study published in the American Journal of Public Health ( for those of you who need official sources)

I say fancy math, because the tradition here in the west is to minimize, or under-estimate the deaths of males, while inflating evidence of rape (using the magic of definitional biases, sliding scales of what constitutes a rape, and womens groups who ignore, or conflate the deaths of men with “mens choices,” while maximizing and blaming the impact of rape on “mens choices” as well. The New York Times can explain the Congo Rape math better )

The fact remains: American soldiers are the ritual rapists of nations, and value systems that differ with capitalist agendas, and American women are more than complicit in that rape.

They have put their ideology into and under the lives and veils of the daughters of the middle east.

What’s next, Jasmine Revolution?


Police want to peek into your babies diapers…

In Freud and the Police, Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Personality, Profile the Police, Uncategorized on June 1, 2011 at 10:10 pm

…and they are relying upon social structures that uphold the police personality, hoping that conformists will affirm that society isn’t wrong to have an unhealthy fascination about what genital is or isn’t dangling there.

Toronto parents Kathy Witterick, 38, and her husband, David Stocker, 39, have faced a brutal public backlash since their refusal to allow the public a peak between the legs of their new-born child.

According to MSNBC, Witterick wrote in an e-mail “that the idea that “the whole world must know what is between the baby’s legs is unhealthy, unsafe and voyeuristic. We know — and we’re keeping it clean, safe, healthy and private (not secret!).”

The police personality, is upheld by the “norms” in society, and society upholds the norms of police repression of non-conformity.
Such an alliance is one that demands to know even intimate details of a families lives, and acts as a social change agent to conform families to the top-down authoritarian model of social control that puts police and their agents first in childrens lives. 
 In a police state, family allegiance comes second to the societal impulse to impose genderized models upon childrens minds. In other words, modern western society, with the aid of police and state structures, wants to “sex your baby.”
Witterick said the argument that children need a sex taught to them in order to feel safe in the world does not hold up in their experience.

The police personality is constantly on the look-out for opportunities to insert itself into your private life, and will stop at nothing to do so. The public at large, in expressing overt hostility towards the childs family, is upholding police structures of secondary control: the reliance of the police on their ability to manipulate public perception before they officially “intervene.”

Police agency primarily relies upon, instills, and upholds fear based responses such as in this case, where both parents agree that the only likely thing to fear isn’t the childs experience with its own gender awakening, but rather social reaction to their refusal to sex their child.

Storm’s parents told the Toronto Star, that Storm’s parents know their child’s sex, as do Storm’s older brothers. The goal of keeping the information inside the family,  is to limit messages that tell young children how to act based on their sex.those messages by the time Storm decides Storm would like to share [his or her gender],” Storm’s mom Kathy Witterick told the Toronto Star.

“We thought if we delayed sharing that information, in this case, hopefully, we might knock off a couple those messages by the time Storm decides Storm would like to share [his or her gender],” Storm’s mom Kathy Witterick told the Toronto Star.