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LulzSec – TPB: Just another CIA or FBI Tool?

In Police and FBI evidence creation and set-ups, Police Hack Privacy, security theater on June 18, 2011 at 12:14 am

LulzSec – TPB.

If I wanted to get the message out there to the simple minded that  ” America is weak to cyber attacks,” then LulzSec, and its latest alleged breaches would be just the right thing.

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They allegedly hacked the web sites of the CIA and the U.S. Senate, which makes me ask: is LulzSec just another PR flac doing the work of US government disinformation-just another pimple faced bunch of US soldiers within the ranks of PsyOps, hacking away at leads given to it by its superiors?


Tony Bradley from PC world.com says “While I don’t support or condone the actions of LulzSec, or other hacking groups, these early attacks were easy to accept due to the noble vigilantism in them. There was also an assumption–at least by me–that the attacks were complex, and required dedication, and a significant investment of time and effort to stage.

Not to take anything away from the skills of the LulzSec members, but in retrospect I think I may have been giving the network and server security of the targets more credit than it deserved. The relative ease with which LulzSec is taking down sites and compromising data suggests that it is fairly trivial, and that these organizations have little, if any, defense against attack.”

I agree, except that I initially admired what Lulz was doing, but my opinion changed when they did s/th as immature as to hack a mere webpage or two of the people who have hacked away at American freedom since they killed Kennedy.

If LulzSec were just another spook-shadow of the US governments illegal activity designed to drive a propaganda campaign against our privacy rights, it’s working.

After all, they barely make any real difference other than to align themselves lockstep with US government fear mongering and propaganda–and the information LulzSec does get just sucks.

Hacked passwords? You can buy them on line every day. Hacked porn passwords? You gotta be kidding- most porn sites give you passwords or memberships for free. And who spends money on porn anymore? The web is full of free porn–and government redirection and honey-pots attached to that porn.

A real exploit was what Bradley Manning allegedly did. Wikileaks is the ultimate exploit.

Hey Lulz-try to gain access to a database that contains the digital copies of all of the data about the US government and CIA programs of destabilization like MKULTRA, MONARCH, or PAPERCLIP–the good stuff that didn’t get shredded.

If the CIA has tools to hack even one persons mind-as in the Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib torture scandals–or entire nations, like what was done in Viet Nam, or Libya today, that would be the exploit maximus.

But porn passwords, and Sony e-mails? That shit is nearly free[ in case you need it tho], but we citizens have paid dearly for the data in those CIA databases, and we still haven’t hacked our rights to it–or to transparency in government, much less those files of CIA abuses around the world, or the FBI peeking around your doorsteps.

Hey Lulz, if your aim is to enable the US gov’s sneak and peak campaign, your exploit worked-you’re being exploited as we speak.

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